Discussion for article #241245
So, Congressman, you got nothin’.
This Jewish-Mormon Patriarch waves a wire coat hanger around and screams that he’s the victim.
Shorter Chaffetz: Oh yeah Blitz, it’s totes legit to use fake charts in congressional hearings!
"I am tired of getting lectures from these Democrats that try to say we don’t care about women."
Not half as tired as those Democrats are at having to give them. Why not try actually caring about women for a change, instead of waging full-scale war on them?
This from a guy that was so derptastically inept he couldn’t get a job with the Secret Service.
Then why isn’t there an outcry about defunding Israel. We give Israel $3.5 billion a year (at least) in aid. Israel has universal health care paid for by the Government, and a very liberal abortion law. Under the “fungible money” argument advanced by these clowns, we are paying for little babies to be chopped into little pieces in the Holy Lands!
Jesus would not approve.
The answer is because it is not about “life”. It is about controlling women’s sexuality.
Chaffetz makes Brian Killmeade seem intelligent.
would someone ask this Senator what his mom’s and dad’s cancer has to do with Planned Parenthood…
did she go for cancer screening and was turned away? or did she go and was mis-diagnosed?
did his dad go and have the same problems?
its nice that he wants to fund cancer research but that doesn’t have anything to do with funding clinics that do cancer screening…
try to explain to him that its like there isn’t a climate problem because its snowing outside in the winter… research and screenings are 2 different things as climate and weather are 2 different things…
This guy is absolute proof of the old saying:“Politics if the last refuge of the Scoundrel.”
He doesn’t give a shit about truth or facts, he has an agenda and he is going to advance it by counting on the ignorance of the populace.
“GOP Chair…”
He doesn’t look like a chair to me. He looks like a tool.
The GOP: where lies bolstered by irrelevant indignation and self-righteous proclamation become tumescent and thrive, and fact-based, rational argument shrivels up like a desiccated roadkill.
Chaffetz is trying to spin his way back into credibility. Sorry, it isn’t working. He said he pulled the chart numbers himself from the Planned Parenthood site. He was lying and got caught. Goodbye Chaffetz.
Jason “no Y axis” Chavetz. Even my dog know you can’t read a comparative chart with no reference points.
I think I’m seeing a pattern here. They are sending cannon fodder like this putz and Gowdy to the front lines. Doesn’t matter if they are coherent or not. Gotta “catapult the propaganda” for each news cycle and keep warm bodies on the front lines. This is a war strategy, not a debate strategy. We analyze each zombie they send out but it’s power in numbers. The hordes keep coming for our brains.
Standing by the numbers does not make them true or serve as verification that they are. If “he’s not suggesting that PP broke the law” then what’s his purpose pursuing what he agrees is legal behavior? And with tax bucks paying for the mess? Abortion is legal. So is Gay marriage both made so by SCOTUS’s say so. Gop’ers are opposed to both so…go to plan B. If you can’t make it illegal make it impossible.
Blitzer blew this interview like he always does.
He’s just a pure and simple wanker .
Do you mean they’re full of themselves but really aint shit?
Lies are a feature and not s bug when it comes to the right wing. The truth really does not matter. They manufacture their own reality…and are shocked when the sane world doesn’t go along.