Oceania has always been at war with Chainlinksia.
Hmm. Wonder where his kids sleep.
Yes. Kids being in prison is much better than being in cages. Glad we cleared that up.
I was thinking along the same lines. Is he volunteering to house his own kids rooms with walls of chain link, with no privacy and nothing but the clothes on their backs? No? That’s what I thought…
“You know, there’s nothing inhumane about a chain link fence,” he told KTGO.
Sure thing, Congressman. And I am equally certain that were you caged inside of one of these units, you would feel exactly the same way about them.
What a moron.
I’m honestly just embarrassed for him. Transmitting waves and waves of embarrassment over the internet (which I assume they have in North Dakota). It’s not a cage, it’s a room made of cage walls.
No cage, no cage, you are a cage!
Psst…Kevin? May I call you Kevin? You don’t seem to deserve an honorific, but let me clue you in. When you’re arguing about the definition of a “cage” in the context of little children, you’re not just losing, you’re getting crushed.
How much longer before we hear how hard labor creates character?
Absent the sand and palm trees, the picture bears a striking resemblance to GITMO. A very hospitable place I hear, Yeah, .right.
I thought that flowery euphemisms masking the straightforward truth in plain English was an act of “political correctness”, which is the domain of those lib’rals and Commies…
Taxation is theft! Free healthcare is slavery! Gun control is tyranny! Gay Marriage is the Devil! Concentration camps for migrant kids: As American as baseball itself.
Oh, goody, a new game! “It’s not Hell, it’s just a furnished basement with exposed heating elements.”
Modest proposal: move his office to a 12x12x12 chainlink “executive room” and lock the door.
The Office of Refugee Resettlement, a subagency of HHS, then places the children in shelters or foster homes.
But they’re not refugees, and don’t you dare say they are.
(Rep. Cramer probably prefers the phrase “people who have nowhere else to go.”)
Guillotines, tumbrels NOW!
A prison is just a big house with a yard.
“You know, there’s nothing inhumane about a chain link fence,” he told KTGO. “If it is, then every ballpark in America is inhumane.”
So if in the seventh inning they raised fences at all the exits, trapping the fans, then taking away all the children to be sent to a different chain-link baseball park jail, that would be hunky dory with Cramer I’m sure.
I would like to have a conversation about bricks and chain link walls with Rep Cramer over a glass of wine, like a civilized person. In my wine cellar, I have a rather fine cask of Amontillado I would share with him.
1968: We had to destroy that villlage in order to save it.
2018: We had to cage that child in order to protect it.