Discussion for article #228754
I hope this isn’t just an effort by the GOP to get voters to rally around Rounds.
For those who were wondering, SD has primary runoffs, which apparently are useless as the loser just runs as an independent, but no general election runoff. Plurality wins. Go figure.
Aw, c’mon. A democrat and South Dakota? I know McGovern and Daschle were from there but give me a break. That’s like class getting out of the Palins’ stretch Hummer.
No, it is an example of voters overall dissatisfaction with both political parties. The problem for the Democrats is what do you do? Do you spend money trying to drive votes away from the independent or do you try to drive votes to the independent hoping that he is likely to causes with the Democrats in the Senate if your candidate ends up not winning?
The movement in the race has not been from Republican to Democrat but from Republican to the Independent. My bet is Rounds has a solid 35-38% vote, so that doesn’t leave any room if both the Democrat and Independent split the anti-Rounds vote.
Is there any effort underway to get the Native American’s to vote for Weiland?
The thing about having an economic boom and resulting labor shortage in a state is that can change your political affiliation and demographics pretty quickly. Happened in North Carolina starting in the 80s, though, because NC started with several million people, it took a couple of decades for immigration from other states to have a noticeable impact. But when the state only has about 138 people to start with, it can happen a lot quicker . . .
McGovern, Daschle and currently Sen. Tim Johnson.
Ummmm…no. There is a reason South Dakota’s population is so low and it can be seen if you spend ONE winter there. SD had 6 democrats in its state senate a couple of years ago yet the people who live there still blame them for things like oh…abortion.
Those are rarities. Very much so. If I remember correctly, Johnson is not running this year.
Watch his ads. Weiland truly is a McGovern redux. His career has been low-profile, but really inspiring (FEMA regional director, building regulations commissioner, AARP director). It’s refreshing to see a candidate running on populist prgressivism rather than hiding-from-obama “Centrism”.
THe DEMonraTs are 100% certaIN to lose THE Senate BASed on all the POLLs, both SKEWED and unSKEWED. The PRESident WILL be IMPeaCHEd BEcauSE HE is A faKE keNYAN iLLEgaL PresideNT fraught WITH USURPery and Bent ON The sociaLISTIC UTOPERTERiaNIZAtion of AmerICA!!1!!1!!!one!!1!!!1!!!
No, they’re actually not. SD has a pretty consistent record of voting for Democratic US Senators over the last 50 years.
Give it time. Though, granted, oil booms aren’t known for drawing in granola eating hippies . . .
I’ve heard that the Native American vote there could put the Dem over.
Anybody have any knowledgeable insights?
You’re a funny guy.
Yes, there is a local Dem up there doing Native American GOTV with Daily Kos backing.
Well, that’s sure true…except the oil boom is in NORTH Dakota.
Okay, speaking as someone who’s appalled to be confused with a resident of South Cackalacky, I’m embarrassed.
So, South Dakota, then. That’s gigantic squarish frozen state with the credit card HQ boom, not the gigantic squarish frozen state withe the oil boom and ICBM bases, right?
Well, this guy is very well-spoken and so obviously much more intelligent than the other two. Let’s hope for a November surprise!