“GOP Moderates On The Health Care Bill’s Lurch Farther Right: Not So Fast!”
Translation–“We are afraid of losing our seats (and that great health care!) in the next election. Can we please only screw over, say, half as many people for now? We can get the rest later, after the 2018 elections.”
GOP is party of Left, Right and Center. Only thing that unites them is Bigotry, not limited to Women, Colored, LGBT, Poor, non-Christians etc.
Internecine Republican Cannibalism: A Glory to Behold!
They woulda voted for it if only the wingnut caucus hadn’t been so loud about wanting to kill people.
GOP Moderates On The Health Care Bill's Lurch
And he says …" Ohhhhhhhh "
So what you guys are saying is you can’t agree on which new car to buy. One wants a Hummer and one wants a Prius. You know what regular folks do when that happens? They fix the car they already have (in this case known as the ACA).
If reelection is the big concern, may I suggest that the GOP repeal Obamacare and replace it with PPACA?
“We are trying to come up with an amendment that can not only be supported by conservatives but be supported by moderates alike.”
Well, that’s great and all, and I’m sure that advocating that all band-aids will be puce will just be an incredibly popular amendment, but that doesn’t solve the irreconcilable differences between the portion of your party that doesn’t want to provide health care to anyone and the portion of your party that does.
You have to love the wolves falling on each other. More like this, please.
In red states, rural areas, and the Rust Belt.
Trump’s base.
That’s a good day. Rest of the time it’s banana peels and exploding cigars.
@tierney, a fervent request regarding your otherwise terrific reporting: I’m sure it’s your youth that has you unaware of this point, but these folks are not moderates.
The Republican Party’s generation-long takeover by movement conservatives has been complete for years now, dating from well before the Obama administration. There are some “establishment” Republicans, and some pragmatists (that’s what I’d call your “moderates”); but on policy, every one of these folks not long ago would have been (and actually were) considered fairly far right along the continuum of mainstream American politics, and even now differ with the hard right not so much on substance as on tactics and, for want of a better word, packaging. The last thing this country needs is for their very conservative policy preferences to be the new “moderate” position on our political spectrum.
The nihilistic ignorance of the tea-partier/“Freedom Caucus” types understandably obscures the point; but I beg you, stop calling these people “moderates.”