Discussion: GOP Members Of Congress Ask ATF To Reevaluate Bump Stocks

Total cop-out by the GOPosaurs making it look like they’re “doing something”, when if fact they have the power to pass a law banning them. Please, do NOT give them any credit. This is cowardice!


If they weren’t already out of compliance with the law, wouldn’t everyone know that already? Wouldn’t members of Congress know that already? Wouldn’t the ATF know that already?

And when the ATF responds that, yep, they’re perfectly legal, then what will this exercise in nothingness have accomplished? Oh right…


Exactly. No where in the request was there any indication that they planned on banning them if they are currently legal.


Honestly…the sanctimonious BS surrounding these ‘requests’ from Congress make me want to PUKE. What about FAST & FURIOUS? All the crap you spewed during the ‘Obama Years’ (what fresh hell is THIS as a euphemism???) that neutered anything they might WANT to do and gave control to agencies like the ATF and now you’re CONCERNED??? Oh please.

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Might be a little late as I’ve seen articles saying most stores are sold out. Next thing might be reevaluating the guns they are used on.

edit: Some folks claim it doesn’t matter much, but I’m sure it speeds up must folks and definitely reduces fatigue and allows one person to shoot longer.


Extremely cynical move by the GOP Congress to make this look like the fault of “Obama’s ATF.”


Cowards. They want to do something objectively non-evil, but they want their evil base to blame someone else for it. The time for this letter was 7 years ago.

Until they introduce legislation they’re not doing anything. (And yeah, I’m not looking forward to the legislation they introduce, which will outlaw some-but-not-all ways of externally making a semi-automatic weapon effectively automatic and oops by the way cut $800 billion from medicaid)


Regarding your link: I see that a CONservative has finally figured out the Giant Paradox at the center of “Modern” CONservatism: Barrelling headlong toward fascist control on the one hand, while kowtowing to a “guns for everyone” policy on the other. These policies cannot coexist! So I’m conflicted as to how much credit to give the normally execrable Bret Stephens…

If this had been an event like the Powerhouse 2017 concert they’d be saying nothing. But Country & Western concerts, that’s their peeps. They have to play both ends against the middle this time.

So they’re doing the least they can do.

“We recognize that it is impossible to prevent tragedy — we cannot stop evil in its many forms, and we cannot gauge the level of hate in someone’s heart,” the letter said.

Great. Can I get this signed and notarized to show to TSA agents at the airport? I really hate to take my shoes off in public. In fact, let’s just fire all the TSA folk. You’ve convinced me the situation is hopeless.

If the NRA is supporting this one has to draw the conclusion that there’s no money in it for them or their friends who manufacture automatic weapons.

Even the National Rifle Association supports additional regulations on firearm bump stocks, the organization said in a statement Thursday.

A bump stock is a firearm accessory used to accelerate gunfire, essentially turning a semi-automatic weapon into an automatic. It was used by the gunman in the Las Vegas massacre that killed 59 people and injured more than 500 on Monday.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article177225926.html#storylink=cpy