Discussion for article #232982
Can anyone tell me who votes for these idiots?
Other idiots?
You get the kind of politicians you deserve.
Phew! Thanks Wyoming!
Massachusetts, California, New York, Illinois
This is that deal where the government gives all your kids autism? Of course they killed it!
I live in Kansas, so yeah.
Again the party of life continues to act as the true christianists that they are. Carrying out the gospel of Ayn Rand.
Really stupid people vote for republicans. People who have no human kindness in their hearts. And the folks who get elected show the real truth about their so called “compassionate conservatism”. They aren’t compassionate in the least.
If only I could recommend this 100X. Just what I was thinking…
This serves the GOP’s “Divide and Conquer” purposes: Give the poor and the working class reasons to be bitter about the other. Predictable evil.
That’s OK. The Affordable Care Act wasn’t designed to live and die by the non-participation of a state with way fewer people than the city of Denver.
Keep fucking those sheep, Wyoming!
They’re turning the US into a nation of Chr$harians…
Where white and rich men rule…
Now will the Dumbocrats go out and campaign on this, or will it be a rerun of 2014 - especially the KY Senate race?
Not anyone from the Wyoming Medical Society, I guess. From the group’s PAC page
WYOPAC is dedicated to creating a legislative environment that is open and fair when considering the interests of Wyoming physicians and their patients. WYOPAC committee members and WMS staff gather information, interview and support candidates of both parties, Republican and Democrat, during the primary and general elections. WYOPAC members review input from physicians and other sources on candidates’ backgrounds and their positions on medical issues. Candidates who receive WYOPAC support and funding are “friends of medicine” who have established voting records or positions supportive of WMS legislative issues. … All money contributed to WYOPAC stays in Wyoming to support Wyoming candidates both at the state and federal level.
Honestly, I’m surprised there are even four Democrats in that state.
Harrison Ford, Pete Williams, and their spouses.
I’ll bet the 11.5% of the population living below the poverty line (2010 Census) in Wyoming are none too pleased!
Sooner or later people will realize that they are being screwed. Right now at least 2 Southern states (Tennessee and Louisiana) are losing hospital emergency rooms because hospitals there are still getting all the uninsured, but no longer have the funds to care for them. The so-called Christians who approve this should all burn in the hell in which they so fervently believe for willfully murdering their fellows.
meh…deleted…math fail brain fart