Discussion: GOP Leaders Are Done Talking About Scalise's Hate Group Speech

Discussion for article #231727

GOP can only hope that is the case - Racism doesn’t end when one quits talking about but just the opposite, racism in Congress ends when folks that promote it are removed from leadership positions.


Translation - if we don’t have Scalise, whom amongst the bat shit crazy representatives from the South could be in a leadership roll? And without the South, we will LOSE!


They may not talk about it, but it will weigh heavily into the 2016 campaigns. Showing a bigot in the GOP leadership on ad after ad will have an effect.


half of a staffer

Wasn’t this a Nuremberg War Crimes defense?


Of course that means the media most likely is too since they take their orders and talking points so often from the GOP.


Why is this even a controversy? The Republican Party is a white supremicist party. It has been for decades, ever since LBJ effectively kicked the Klan sympathizers out of the Democrats and they all race to join the GOP as party of the Southern Strategy.


And their white hoods are all ironed and ready to go.

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I still don’t get how he can plead ignorance here. He knew who Duke was, he knew what groups Duke was affiliated with, and he knew who Duke’s lieutenants were. He played at a level of LA GOP politics where this wouldn’t be remotely new to him. He wasn’t a first-termer: he was elected to the state house in 1994, only 3 years after Duke was the party’s choice for Governor. He was quoted talking about him and his “baggage” in 1999.

They’re counting on the press to get bored with stonewalling and move on. That’s exactly why the press can’t.


Which is basically the same reason a presumably rightwing extremist trying to bomb a NAACP office in Colorado Springs won’t get any airtime as well. The air has been sucked out of the news cycle with the horrific event in France and that story is already yesterday’s news as far as they’re concerned. Only one news story about extremism, looped continuously, is allowed at a time. Its how they roll.


So… the Republicans are good with the KKK … good to know

Nope, not going away as the digging has only begun. About to go away as much as the GWB is going away for Crisco.

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Look, Scalise is going to go, one way or another.

You clowns can get rid of him now, or you can get rid of him later, when the DNC ads about scumbag Republicans and their “Steve Scalise Values” (sound familiar? GOP linking everything to “Nancy Pelosi Values”?) are running full-bore and are going out in every mailer.

Lose the Center, lose the election. Steve Scalise will lose you the Center.

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Damn…I’ve seen that attitude and tactic before…Now where the hell was it? Oh yeah!!!


“Now I know this man. I work with him. I know what’s in his heart,” Boehner continued. “He’s a decent, honest person who made a mistake. We’ve all made mistakes.”

What’s not a mistake, John, is to holler, “I’m David Duke without the baggage.” A direct quote from your tough guy, Scalise, John.


The attack on Social Security disability funds by the GOK (Grand Old Klan) is to ‘purify’ the population.

"He's a decent, honest person who made a mistake. We've all made mistakes."

Translation: IOKIYAR. Republicans who make mistakes, like David Vitter or Mark Sanford, get to stay around forever. Democrats who make mistakes, like Bill Clinton or Eliot Spitzer, have to resign or be impeached.

Franklyn Ambruster (Fred Astaire): You’re at a level where you can only afford one mistake. The higher up you go, the more mistakes you’re allowed. Right at the top, if you make enough of them, it’s considered to be your style.
The Notorious Landlady (1962)

Scalise is just a natural outcome of the “Southern Strategy”. When you invite all the racists and bigots to join your Party, you end up with a Party of racist bigots.


Good. If he’d resigned, we wouldn’t be able to continue smacking him over the head with this, and pointing out that Republican leadership now sanctions racism.


Isn’t this a lot like, ignore it and it’ll go away?

“Now I know this man. I work with him. I know what’s in his heart,” Boehner continued. “He’s a decent, honest person who made a mistake. We’ve all made mistakes.”

You worked with Grimm. I gather you knew what was in his heart. He made “mistakes”…and he’s gone.

Edit: And the BEST part is…you just KNOW there is more on Scalise. So this quote will look especially dumb when even more sinister crap comes to light. Not that Boner or his faithful will care.