Discussion: GOP Leader: Kevin Spacey Stole My Line For 'House Of Cards'

Discussion for article #225841

And ?


You had the line trademarked?


In other words, McCarthy wants to claim he was an inspiration for one of the most evil characters on television. Got it.


So…McCarthy’s post-retirement career will be that of screenwriter?

Boy howdy that’s rich!
A ® whining about somebody ‘stealing’ intellectual property.

How many ÂŽ conventions and campaigns have used music without permission or paying royalties over the past 10 years?


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Next up: The Whore of Babble On will claim authorship every time the word “Huh?” is used in a film or television show.

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Bullshit, this was scraped right form the boots of a Bakersfield big AG, big Oil shill.

McCarthy didn’t mention the age-old practice of direct payments by check, on the floor, like Boehner did, or the practice of political favors that Delay was a master of.

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Hey: “huh” is MY word!

Also, “harrumph”. And I better hear an “harrumph” outta you, or else you watch your ass.

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Stealing from the Honorable William J. LePetomane, Governor, I see.


So given your ethical standards - we should a assume you will be suing him at taxpayer expense before or after you current frivolous lawsuit against the President
(By the way - Kevin Spacey no doubt has better approval rating than you also!

Shallow, anyone? Who are these people who are entrusted with running our government? The new majority leader is commenting on a line from a TV show when giving a political interview. Wouldn’t he want to at least appear to be focused on important issues?

I suspect Whip McCarthy is using the word “stole” jokingly. He and Spacey are friends and he did allow him to shadow him so he could soak up local color.

Vietnam-era Air Force General George Brown had a variation on that rule:  bring me your problems if you have to, “but don’t surprise me.”  I’d bet the basic idea is folk wisdom going back a ways. Dan

All the while ignoring that the original BBC series provides all the inspiration anyone could need… “You might think that, I couldn’t possibly comment.”