After footage aired Sunday of Georgia state Rep. Jason Spencer ® shouting racial slurs and pulling down his pants during a fake terrorism defense class on Sacha Baron Cohen’s Showtimes series, the lawmaker has apologized but refused to resign.
Shouting racial slurs and the lowering of pants are standard GOTP anti terror tactics
I Do Declayahh!
Oh please do stick around with that scarlet GOP on your fat ass while we play that tape again and again and again…
How is it that, if you are experiencing “difficulties” to the point that you exhibiting totally irrational behavior, you still somehow remain competent to make decisions as a government official? Or as a CEO or whatever?
I understand that trauma and fear can make us behave in uncharacteristic ways, but if you ARE using this excuse, how are we supposed to know that you are NOW in your right mind?
Where is Art Linkletter when you need him…
Georgia is an interesting place to live.
There are the bastions of civilization: Atlanta, Savannah, and Athens.
Then, there’s everywhere else.
This guy never saw “Candid Camera” or “Punked” or “The Colbert Report” or any number of other shows?
Watch the clip - sadly funny stuff.
Awareness is not high on most Republicans list of abilities.
In the segment, Spencer agrees to pose as a Chinese tourist, in which he blatantly mocks a Chinese person while repeating a host of offensive stereotypes like “sushi” and “red dragon.” He then repeatedly shouts the n-word after he’s instructed that it will make it easier to draw attention to yourself if you’re being attacked. He also pulled down his pants and exposed his bare butt to ward off terrorists.
It’s really hard for me to understand how someone can be tricked into saying those things and acting like this. It’s even more concerning that this is a member of Congress that behaves like this. Then he uses the shooting at the baseball field card.
The bar has really been lowered. There seems to be absolutely no standards. Unless, of course it’s a Democrat pretending to touch someone in a picture.
An extremist right radio show host unearths a few 10 year old dumbass comments from the director of Guardians of the Galaxy (which he owns up to and apologizes for… but at the end of the day are minor shit).and goes on a crusade to get him fired and Disney fires him.
And here is this racist fuck who says “gosh I’m sooorry but I’m not resigning bitches”. Doesn’t own up to his shit caught on camera TODAY, not 10 years ago, and says a fake sorry and then explains why it wasnt his fault, he was a’scared.
Fuck these people and fuck everyone who remains silent in the face of these monsters.
Sorry, can’t, won’t feel sorry for somebody that pathetic! WOMP, WOMP!
Cohen is reportedly able to trick Republican lawmakers into a slew of embarrassing scenarios.
So, what would Republicans be doing if it was James O’Keefe who made the set-up, instead of a British comedian? Do we completely de-fund his pension, close his offices, get Baron-Cohen to be interviewed on FOX, hold Congressional hearings into his unwitting behavior, etc?
I was very afraid for my safety and the safety of my entire family.
If I was his family I would be very afraid of him…
“My fears were so heightened at that time, I was not thinking clearly"
But still you thought it was fine for you to continue serving in the government when you were in such a state and to participate in decisions that would affect many American citizens?
Also: is it standard practice for Republicans when they get scared to start randomly shouting out racial epithets? These are a truly interesting bunch of people. Scientists should study them.
tried to. Because the right is so well funded, he just created another site. Funded by numerous multi-millionaires.
Spencer was overheard telling friends: “of course I won’t resign. Being an open racist and idiot will solidify my support from racist shitkickers, and they are my “base”.”
“…tricked into participating…during a particularly vulnerable point in his life.”
Is this going to be the explanation the whole GOP gives for actively supporting an enemy attack (Russia)?
They are just modeling our president… “If you scare Mr. Trump he shrieks 10 times louder than any congress person”.
There’s really nothing funny here. Sadly, I’m embarrassed for the species that this creature claims to be human.