Discussion: GOP KY State Rep. Will Challenge Election He Lost By One Vote

How do we feel about this?

Would we feel differently if it were the Democrat who had lost by 1 vote?


It’s about fucking time we won a close one…

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I think he should challenge the election. I don’t care if he is a Republican or a Democrat. One vote is a pretty slim margin and the election deserves a closer look.


I would feel the same - he should challenge it Democrat or Republican. It’s literally as close as you can get. Johnson should absolutely challenge this. There’s nothing frivolous or sour grapes-ey about it.


Video review of the ruling on the field.


I wonder about the psychological impact of losing an election by a single vote?

No fun, for sure.

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A single-vote difference is essentially a tie that results in a technical (rather than a real) winner.

Since the GOP is so vigorously suppressing votes, yes, I feel there’s a real difference between a single-vote, technical win for a Dem (who was not favored by voter suppression and gerrymandering) and a single-vote technical win for an R.

That said, I certainly have no reason to think it shouldn’t be further examined. For once, the GOP candidate is not just being an entitled jerk in challenging his apparent loss. But I’m rooting for the Dem.

He doesn’t appear to be alleging dirty tricks or all the other loony stuff. Makes perfect sense to challenge. Shouldn’t even be news.

Kentucky state Rep. DJ Johnson lost to Democrat Jim Glenn by a single vote on Election Day. County officials reviewed the totals one week later and made no changes.

This was reviewed already. He lost. Fair and square.


I would challenge the election too.

Yes, but we should be careful here. There was a similar situation in Texas several years ago; just like this race, after recounts and so on it came down to something like a dozen votes in favor of Democrat Donna Howard. At that point it was close enough that her opponent could appeal to the Texas House and let them vote on who “actually” won. Given that the Texas Leg is overwhelmingly Republican, this wasn’t as crazy as it might sound. In fact it’s happened over a hundred times here, and in one case resulted in a re-do of the election.

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I don’t think it is a Dem-Rep thing. If I lost by one vote I would contest it every time. The uncertainty is always greater than a single vote.

Exactly, let’s not forget that the House in Kentucky is Republican controlled; so no doubt this challenge will end up giving the seat to the republican. I agree with @beattycat, he lost fair and square.

(Sorry to be late in responding to this.)

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Thank you! If the Democrat ends up winning this seat, I’ll be surprised. I’ll even eat a few bites of my cat’s kibble. Just today, it’s announced a Repub won an Alaska State house seat after a recount – by one vote. It matters. Never give these fuckers an inch if you have to to do so. Never.

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