Discussion for article #228703
Comedy gold.
Of course the long knives have come out for him. The GOP can’t stand the idea of intellectual honesty and freedom to think.
If Pressler’s supporters decline as a result of these attacks, whom will the majority of them support?
The Dems ought to refrain from attacking Pressler and let the Repubs do it. Pressler and his supporters will get pissed off at the Repubs and might vote Dem for that reason.
I have been listening to Republicans chin wag about how they are going to take the senate and the all too willing media are happy to spin their supposed victory. But your not just going to waltz into the senate. Your fat GOP asses are going to have to work really hard in races where you never expected them to be.
It is going to really hurt the GOP if their so called victory is about one (1) senate seat away and if Joe Biden is going to play a tie breaker vote roll be prepared to bend over.
Probably not the Republican.
Pressler left the GOP rather noisily, and endorsed Obama, so Republicans would rather catch Ebola than support him.
When Pressler was in congress he had a stellar voting record as a conservative republican. His saying he is a friend to President Obama is so ludicrous if people knew who the real Pressler is. No democrat should support this man. He voted against MLK Day Holiday, for just a starter.
Argus Leader: “Every Voice Action is part of a coalition of outside groups committing to spend $2 million on Weiland’s behalf.”
TPM: “Every Voice Action PAC, which has committed $1 million to the race…”
Well, I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use the rounding error. Someone, please send a certified check to:
Trippin McZoink
One American Way
Hooterville (Pop. 48)
McZoink? Of the Boston McZoinks?
Shouldn’t Dem-leaning organizations be looking to split the GOP vote? And wouldn’t that entail bucking Pressler up?
Plus that would mean Pressler would be less likely to caucus with GOPs if he wins.
Even more comedy gold is with Rachel last night. The entire piece of being lost in the Senate while on the job was hysterical, but the Pressler piece about the closet starts at about the 2:40 mark and goes about 2 minutes:
Chuck Todd was on Rachel Maddow the other night complaining that Democrats were trying to muddy the waters by criticizing Pressler and Brown. Ha ha Chuck, nice try. At least what Democrats say is true.
Pressler is focused on defeating Rounds. Any anti-GOP money going into SD should not be used to attack Pressler. it should be used to inform voters further about Rounds’ misdeeds and promote the Democratic candidate.