At 91, it is just totally unfair to impose upon someone who has such a beautiful legacy.”
TOOO funny!
Today, she maintains an active presence on the Eagle Forum site, where she writes posts such as a recent April column titled “Chinese Crowding Our College Campuses.” an article honored by the Congressional Conservative Caucasian Christian Caterwauling Cat Choir Committee’s Caucus for its frequent use of the letter C
91-year-old woman gets confused. Details at 11:00.
Well, Trump is the most anti-feminist candidate in U.S. history, so I’d say it’s entirely consistent with her worldview.
You’re old, Phyllis. OLD!
Everybody’s tired of reminding you where your house is, especially The Schlafly Kids. Even the gay one you don’t call anymore!
You’re three days older than dirt, Phyllis! For God’s sake turn the corner or get off the road!
How many constellations can you make by connecting Phyllis’ age spots?
I’m up to four.
Criticize her views. Criticize her actions. She is a bigot. But how dare you dismiss anyone because of the number of years they have lived? You will be lucky to have as many marbles when you are her age.
If I could type out me singing “I don’t give a fuck about your fee fees, you old bat” and have it actually come through the intertubes with the music and singing for all your enjoyment, I would.
Besides, isn’t she scheduled to forget her meds and wander off into the woods soon anyway?
At her age, that’s called perseveration, not alliteration. Her brain’s lexicon got stuck on C-words because of age-related damage to the temporal lobe. I have a C-word she can borrow…
Do the age spots on age spots count as two or just one?
This is too boring for anything germane:
Phyllis has about as many marbles as the kid who always lost when it was fashionable to play the game at the school. Yes, I’m old enough to remember that.
If supporting Drumpf causes the Eagle Forum to explode, along with the GOP, that’s another bonus.
Well, it’s not how MANY she has but how you connect them.
Ted Cruz is bitterly attacking Drudge who has been blasting him on his site. The Eagle Forum is considering ousting Phyllis Schlafly. The GOP elite is planning a brokered convention to deny the nomination to the guy who will have the most delegates.
I’m not sure there’s enough popcorn in the world.
Actually, I’m enjoying this immensely The GOP field was…what 15 strong? Von Clownstick has taken down all but two of them, including Nails.
The GOP is in more trouble than anybody on Death Row. If the Eagle Forum runs over Phyllis as it careens, brakeless, toward the ditch, fine by me.
Can you imagine the helpless screaming on the part of the GOP when Clinton’s announced the winner?
This wouldn’t have happened had Phyllis simply stayed home as a housewife. You know - like she believes every other woman should do.
“A Coup” ? … what ? she is about to be deposed as ruler of her own imaginary kingdom of Snarkopia?
Agreed. It’s poor form to criticize someone for their age or their appearance when their behavior is such low-hanging fruit.
Barring a Dem takeover of the Senate and House I doubt their dismay will run deep. They’ll merely stymie Clinton at every turn, just as they did Obama. No judges approved for 4 years. Cabinet heads and ambassadors fought over endlessly. It’ll be Obama’s third term basically, complete with all the bullshit, rancor and entropy we’ve all grown accustomed to.