Lamar’s district is not on the Gulf. Oh, and he’s stupid.
Oh for Fs sake.
I’m so torn about who is the biggest idiot ass among Texas politicians. Smith, Farenthold, Gohmert, Patrick… So much world class competition.
FOX: Melting Ice will decrease water rate for us. Why do Liberals hate saving money?
And acid rain is just peachy for cleaning that dirty concrete on your patio!
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), noted climate change denier and chair of the House Science Committee
The irony is deeper than the ocean and higher than Mt. Everest…
"carbon enrichment "
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That has GOT to win euphemism of the year.
"Bad deals like the Paris Agreement would cost the U.S. billions of dollars, a loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, and have no discernible impact on global temperatures.”
Bad deals like the Paris Agreement would have fucked up my investments I’m not supposed to even know about.
Doctor: Mr Smith, I have some bad news. The x-rays show a large mass growing in your lung; it is nearly certainly a tumor.
Smith: Thanks, doc! That is great news. With more lung tissue, I should be breathing better than ever!
Doctor: Mr Smith, I don’t think you understand the implications of what I’m saying. This isn’t healthy lung tissue; it is cancerous. If we don’t do something quickly about it, it will continue to grow and harm your lung function, and in fact, will eventually kill you.
Smith: Phht, you eggheads, what do you know? You are just jealous of my big lung. Bigger lungs are better. Are you perhaps a Democrat? Let me explain it to you. If I didn’t have any lungs, I couldn’t breath. But more lungs means more breathing.
Reminds me of a piece in the Wash Times back in W’s era that promoted the benefits of water pollution. This is nothing new, for quite some time the GOP has been the party of crank science and woo.
Not stupid. Willfully objectively evil. They often look the same, but they’re very different things.
Tx is an ass festival.
“Carbon enrichment”???
Smith acknowledged that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing and argued that it would help plant growth and farming.
OK. Even if that were true, and I know damn well and good that it’s not, the negatives are absolutely outweighing the so called positives. You know, like sea level rise, areas becoming uninhabitable due to heatwaves and insect infestation, release of methane gas from permafrost.
the positive effects of carbon enrichment
Effects of “carbon enrichment” include substantial cognitive impairment in humans due to decreased O2 levels (not snark) and the acid death of the oceans as CO2 levels further decrease the ocean’s pH and warmer temperatures lower ability of water to retain dissolved O2.
I respectfully suggest locking Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) in a sealed and “highly carbon enriched” room for a 24h period.
They are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Oh, I don’t think he’s the sharpest knife in the drawer by any means. But I believe he knows he’s lying.
These greedy bastids make me want to throw up. They defend and justify and out-and-out lie about scientific thought and you KNOW there is some money angle behind it.
Benefits: Siberian resource extraction. Hmmm.
I’ve stopped calling these folks “climate change deniers” and now refer to them as “science deniers.” Science is a system of thought, an interconnected network of information, and it has an internal system for correcting errors. You can’t pick the stuff that suits you and throw out the rest without losing all intellectual credibility. This fool is a science denier.
“It’s not real. But if it is real, which it’s not, it’s actually good!”
Sure. That sounds legit.