Discussion: GOP Group Makes $48M Bet To Protect House Majority With Early Ad Reservations

Keep wasting your money, Republicans. The GOP should be spending their ill gotten gains on flotation devices to keep themselves breathing after the blue tsunami takes them out.


So if a super competitive district is not on this list, is that a hint at the possibility that the GOP bigwigs are conceding it?

Honestly, the rational thing for them to do would probably be to concede about a dozen top-tier races and just defend the next most defensible dozen. It’s a long way from a few pickups to a change in control of the house, and as long as they hold Democrats below the magic number (i.e. about two dozen), they keep control.

But is the internal politics of the R coalition such that they can really throw their most vulnerable incumbents under the bus like that?


On behalf of the lamestream media, thank you for your business, conservatives.

Remember, it’s your money. Well, was.

Now it’s ours.


Desperate people do desperate things.


Does Digital Spending refer to vote hacking or Russian troll farms?

Asking for a friend…


The Republicans are committing a quarter of a BILLION dollars to trying to preserve their majority. As you said, keep spending and spending and spending until you are broke or come to the realization that money alone will not preserve your desperate attempts to retain power and dollars. Sooner or later, more and more big donors have to acknowledge that they are pouring good money after bad.

We need to keep hammering social media with this message and to remind anyone thinking of donating to Donnie’s campaign fund that at present over 20% of everything they have received so far this year has gone to pay legal bills and that will undoubtedly increase. If donors want to give to Donnie to pay HIS legal bills, have at it.

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there have been at least some in the GOP who believe their best bet is to abandon thoughts of trying to hold the House and instead concentrate their cash on saving the Senate. As I have said though, this is a different climate. Simply having huge war chests and commitments of millions from dark money donors is not a guarantee of victory when you have toxic candidates and no policy positions that help anyone but your candidates.

This is proof of that ’ trickle down ’ thingy …

Just one of the avenues by which them upper snuffers pump the cash out …

I wish they’d drop it out of airplanes… like they used to ----


As a resident of CA-48, I am glad to see that Rohrabacher gets no backing. November can’t come soon enough.


48 million is a bargain if they can keep their decrepit, misguided amoral majority in place to prevent Trumps impeachment. .

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Paying their media pals off with ad buys. Citizen’s United is really a boon for media companies. It’s a political/financial hall of mirrors that makes my head swim.


If Dem’s control the house, they can demand Trump’s tax returns. Small potatoes in the big scheme, but will be an interesting week if they get them.


Maine 2 is only + 2 R on Cooks - that will be tough to defend. If Dems pick it up and retain the handful of close seats in NH and CT, it would mean an all-Dem New England.


I think they omitted the expense line for Russian troll farms? Or is that something that Sean Hannity and Michael Cohen already took care of?

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At what point do those poorer Republicans realize they’ve been had? How many more Trumps does this country have to suffer before they wake up?

Interesting that WI-01 is not on that list – and that they’re struggling to recruit a party regular to run in Ryan’s stead against a straight-up Nazi in a R+5 district…

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The group also didn’t commit any early resources to open seats vacated by retiring Reps. Darrel Issa (R-CA) and Ed Royce (D-CA) that Democrats have been bullish about picking up.

I hate being that guy, but ummmm

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The picture at the top of the article looks like a Knights of Columbus or Holy Name Society dinner. I wonder if either Jesus or His Holiness buys into the social gospel of the three Catholic boys pictured.

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No Michigan 11th! That’s Dave Trott’s current district, and he’s not running for re-election. I’d especially relish his seat flipping because last winter he made me, my kids, and a thousand others stand outside in the snow when he scheduled a townhall in a space that was intentionally much too small when they were trying to repeal the ACA.