Discussion: GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval Wants To Pass Biggest Tax Hike In Nevada History

Discussion for article #235787

Adelson will squish it.


“They say the governor is hurting the Republican brand.” Do you mean the brand of fiscal irresponsibility which is causing Kansas, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan to go down the tubes under Republican governors??


So he’s not kowtowing to Grover and he’s funneling the money to public schools.

So…he’s a GOTPer why?


Who’s he taxing? The rich? The poor? Is it a regressive tax? Not much coverage here.



(said the Spartan)

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Who is he raising the taxes on? Everyone, or just the poor and middle class.

Details. We need details.


When Lake Mead dries up, and Las Vegas finds itself with only enough water to support a town of about 15,000 people (about what it was in 1940), none of this will make any difference.


Tell that to the “pointy stick” crowd. They’re survivors.

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I think by definition he won’t be a Republican if he does something like this. It’s is antithetical to their existence. He will be a . . . . . .Republican in exile . . . . a Reptile.


So one Republican does something and it

could rewrite the definition of the Republican Party.

Give me a break.


If you really want to do the things that are needed in this country, there will have to be some tax increase on the middle class as well as on the wealthy. There is not a single country that provides high-level services like universal healthcare, state-of-the-art infrastructure and free or inexpensive college education without taxing the middle class at rates substantially higher than the US. This includes regressive taxes like a VAT. This is reality that should not be denied.

I salute the Governor for going against the dogma of his party. He certainly stands above the ever-growing posse of clowns who are running for President on the GOP ticket,

PS- As I understand it, the tax is largely on businesses, which currently pay only a $200 annual license fee, regardless of their size. Also on cigarettes, including e-cigarettes. And the money goes largely to improve schools. This is smart policy.


Actually the '14 elections bothered me because Republicans were getting elected or re-elected all over the place but now the spectacle of them desperately trying to fix what they broke is priceless.


Axe one potential 2016 GOP VP nominee.


If the GOP doesn’t win the White House in 2016, you’re looking at the frontrunner for the GOP nomination in 2020.


Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner. And being from Nevada, that’s what I believe Gov Sandoval has been shooting for all along. He has some wacky ideas, but not the bulk of them. And I think he likes being a non-crazy ® party member…

('Course that kinda puts him on a footing with Huntsman, so we’ll have to see if Sandoval can do better than Huntsman did in a Republican primary, because I just can’t see him embracing craziness to get RWNJ votes…)

Good point.

Nevada does, in general, have awesome public finance. No income tax. Regressive sales tax on food. The fading reliance on taxes on gambling is also regressive. I bet there are sin taxes, often regressive, at the core of the budget. But I don’t care so much: the Nevada schools are important to me, as a Democrat my knee jerks frenetically (so my neighbors think) in favor of any and all taxes, and living across the state line from Nevada pretty much any taxes that I pay them (for my yogurt and beer) are optional.

Still, it is fun watching the anti-taxers complain that some school-and-tax-hating Democrats are going to beat them next time around.

I grew up (in California) next to Reno. The thing to remember about Reno, and the rest of Nevada, is to raise your eyes high to see the beauty (think the majestic Slide Mountain/Mount Rose massif on the Western edge of the Truckee Meadows).

And he’s Hispanic.

The most important single bloc of votes in Nevada is the heavily Hispanic, increasingly unionized hotel/casino workforce, particularly in Las Vegas.

Nevada, small as it is in Electoral College terms, will not drift over into the Democratic column again while Sandoval is on top.

Sandoval will run (if he keeps this up) strongly across the West, including in California.

Duh! President Reagan raised taxes on working and middle class folks - BIG raises on payroll taxes. Of course, he lowered taxes on the superrich and that is all the conservative remember.


Typical “Tax and Spend” Republican!