Discussion for article #222711
This should be the Dem slogan going into the Midterms:
“Republicans: They Got Nuthin’!”
Sums it up well, I think…
Hence the waving of the shiny trinket marked “BENGHAZI!!!” to the base, because the leadership really has nothing left. Their Quixotic quest against Obamacare has failed, the IRS business has gone nowhere, all the previous nothingburgers have disappeared off the radar, and there’s no chance of bringing up articles of impeachment before November. So they have to throw some sort of red meat out there and 4 dead Americans seems to be what they’ve chosen.
It would be pathetically sad in a presidential election year, but since it’s a mid-term year, where the voter demographics are heavily weighted towards the sort of old, white nutters who the GOP has relied more and more for its electoral muscle, this comes off looking like a “cunning plan.”
WE HATE Obamacare! WE Hate it! We LOATHE It!!! We will repeal it again, and again, and again. We will SHUT down the Federal government. We will lose tax revenue. WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO A FUTURE WITH OBAMACARE!!!
Uh, never mind.
You mean there won’t be a 51st or is it 52nd vote to repeal Obamacare. How disappointing. I just knew that this time was the charm.
Looks like the fake outrage of the ACA stopped getting the clicks and ratings it once did on rightwing media outlets. Anybody want to take any bets on what the next non-controversy becomes when even the creepy old NRA guys stop giving a shit about Benghazi?
Coming to a state near you 2016, Single Payer For All.
Of course, the American people will never hold the R’s responsible for the time they wasted over the past 4 years. Lack of critical thinking equals amnesia.
Criticizing the other side’s proposals is easy, but coming up with your own is hard. Does the GOP have any positive ideas on anything?
I wonder if there was actual command from Koch Bros’ HQ to change directions.
“Let’s all just let bygones be bygones, okay?”
No. We’re going to hammer at you until we win back the House.
(Plus twenty characters)
I wouldn’t say the repugs are void of ideas. Just in the last week or two, ryan, rubio and portman have been throwing out ideas, on healthcare, retirement, education, and their new pet interest poverty. Of course all their ideas are so ridiculous a child could see through what they really want. More tax cuts for the rich. I guess nothing has changed.
Just like their incredibly shrinking integrity and substance as a party…
The Dems are mostly missing, thus far anyway, what is a huge opportunity for them. Hammer the GOP. Hammer them. Play attack ads showing highlights of all the “death panel” insanity over and over and over again… and end each ad with “The Republican Party: its going crazy.” or “Crazy people can’t be trusted to run the country.”
Stamp out the nutjob caucus like a cockroach.
Well Floyd and me we talked this over, and alls I know is we had to pay that medical device tax when he had both his knees replaced, so that’s too little too late for us. It’s a darn shame the Republicans are giving up the fight against that Obamacare, but it is nice that Floyd’s pre-existing condition for a problem “down there” (don’t ask! LOL!) isn’t a problem for the insurance.
The morally, philosophically and intellectually bankrupt GOPig Party’s relentless “Obamascare” bullsh*t has only cost the nation enormous amounts of monies, damaged access in many cases to needed healthcare for people in states they dominate, and fed red meat to their odious and depraved Bagger ‘base’ for political gain!
We’re left with a Rightie cesspool of a House and the most useless House leadership in U. S. History_______Republican response: "But but but deathpanelssocialismmicrochipsbenghazi! "
Aside from the fact that those ideas suck, they are not prepared to actually do any of them. Look at Camp’s tax reform plan, which actually had some OK elements-seen any action or support from the leadership? He’s retiring and it will retire with him.
Won’t happen. It’d be nice if it did, but if the system’s improving, that’s going to be ‘good enough’ for pretty much all of the political will out there. The Perfect may not necessarily be the enemy of the Good, but the Good Enough is pretty much always the death knell of Getting Better.
Sadly and bewilderingly, in November tens of millions of Americans who are not wingnut billionaires or paranoid Rightie rage-heaps are going to walk into a voting booth and vote for a Republican. Millions of everyday Americans! It’s truly mindbending that voters will support a candidate who has spent the majority of his tenure in politics trying to deny decent and affordable healthcare to the “least of those” among us who could not afford it prior to the ACA. Even if you’re someone not paying attention on a daily basis, if he or she is going to vote, I would think they would, at the least, do a quick check right before heading out to the polls and ask, “Are the Republicans still acting like deranged a**hole idiots? Yes? Okay then. I hope they get it together someday, but I guess I’ll go vote for some Democrats…”
Why would an average American vote Republican at this point? What could they possibly think that the Republican party is offering? Is the Republican party even pretending to offer anything?
This fact is testimony to the zombie-like response of many of the lemming-like dittoheads who go to the polls and vote against their own best interests out of ignorance and for culture war nonsense spoon fed to them by the GOP hate machine. No wonder the GOP would like to demolish all public education in this country; ignorance (along with patent stupidity) is one of their best weapons.