Discussion for article #242024
Of course they like him; he’s one of them…an ignorant, blatant racist.
Everyday Big Door gets more slogans for yard signs!
First there was
SOMEBODY’S Doing the Raping!!!
Now it’s:
Sometimes He’s an Idiot But We Still Like Him!!!
If the Daily Show does not pick this up, I will be sooo disappointed.
Ignoramami Igmoranami Ignoramusseses Dumz fore Trump '15 '16!!!1!!!
Guess they weren’t given “douchebag” as a choice and had to go with idiot.
Yes, Lorinda, Trump is totally the guy to improve your standard of living. He has the best interests of you and people like you at heart.
Lorinda is worried about the “death tax” and its implications should her Lotto numbers hit.
They’ve had enough of an intelligent president…
Clearly there were no Latinos in this group of really, really stupid and uninformed people
Focus groups. The marketing scam that won’t disappear. Twelve or twenty people are not enough to tell you anything, and if you put them in a room together they start contradicting themselves.
OF COURSE they like him. These ignoramuses are his peeps! And like all TeaThuglican/KnowNothings, they will not let little things like facts or the truth stand in the way of what they “believe”.
haha! you beat me to it.
"I can look over him being a jerk … as long as what he’s doing for the country is going to better my standard of living,” Phelps said, according to ABC. “I think the issues that he says he’s going to take care of outweigh the fact that sometimes he’s an idiot.”
to which issues are you referring, Lorinda? hmmmmmmmmmm?
How is it that it doesn’t seem to occur to these folks that, if they think he might be an idiot, a hothead, a boor, whatever, he might also actually be full of shit when he talks about what he’s gonna do for this country? Build a wall along the border? Seriously? You think he’s going to raise YOUR standard of living? How? By giving himself and his Billionaire buddies a nice fat tax break? Cognitive dissonance in a tube top.
Pretty much what we Democrats say… he’s an idiot a lot of the time, but we like him (like him being the GOP front-runner that is).
Birds of a feather…
Oh, and he is also a fascist would be dictator converting his followers’ anxiety into hatred and violence.
“I think the issues that he says he’s going to take care of fact that I’m almost always an idiot outweighs the fact that sometimes he’s an idiot.”
GOP Focus Group on Jeffrey Dahmer: “We wouldn’t dine at the smorgasbord with him, but we like him.”
The only thing that could make this heavenly ass-reaming of the Republican Party even more delightful and fattening would be for Trump to announce that, if elected, he will appoint Sarah Palin as Secretary of State, since she told him that Hillary did it, so she can do it better, dontcha know? I can see Reince Priebus downing Xanax and Valium by the gross.
We should offer him a fifth of vodka to wash them down with. A “Betty Ford,” since he is a Republican
GOP Focus Groupie: “[H]e’s an idiot”.
Decsribes a whole lot of folks in the GOP’s Big Dumb Tent over the past 30 years:
Trump, Jeb!?, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Jindal, Santorum, Perry, Walker, Palin, Cain, W, Reagan…