Discussion: GOP Establishment Has Uphill Battle To Keep Firebrand Roy Moore From Senate


I wonder if Democrats are even going to try, or will it be a self fulfilling prophecy? Will nobody in the party invest any resources because they don’t think they can win? Then of course they’ll lose. To the one man who’s possibly a shittier human being than the turd he wants to replace.


Got to admit that I’m kind of hankering to see Roy Moore be the Republican candidate. Maybe that will energize Democrats to re-start in Alabama, even if the party’s candidate loses. And if Moore wins, I look forward to Democratic senators moving to keep him from being seated, and putting Republicans on the hot seat.


:confused: So hmm, do the folks in Alabama send a guy that doesn’t work well with others to go work in a body known for deliberative approach to governing ( yeah I know, I know) or do they send back to the US Senate a guy who has a strong taint of being bought off?


Moore probably helps the Democratic party whether he wins or loses. A loss means a Dem win; a Moore win probably provides fodder for more donations.


“A lot of folks think he can shoot off a lot of fireworks in D.C. while not doing a lot of harm.”

“While not doing a lot of harm”???

What the fuck is wrong with you people? This kind of stupidity is why our Nation is the laughingstock of the planet. And any space aliens listening in out there, they’re having a good old belly laugh, at our expense too. JFC!!!


Sessions, Trump and Moore all in Washington at the same time? What better way to showcase the racism of the GOP?

Sort of like having Jared, Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric at the White House makes the GOP look like its setting up a monarchy. A nuclear war-mongering NeoNazi who is daily out-of-control at the White House makes the GOP look like they are insane.

Any one of these scenarios would be bad for a democracy. All three being the case is bad for the whole world and our citizens know it. Looks like we might have the largest turnout in 2018 ever of any election. The GOP has finally found a way to get Democrats and Independents to defeat them in an off year election.

Who would have thought Republicans could be so incompetent after 911, the Iraqi invasion, the Bush deficit, the deregulation worldwide banking collapse or the GOP’s 2nd Great Depression? Then they elected Trump.


Is it time to wave the white flag and acknowledge the US will never be ONE nation?

Is it time to allow the states that wish to form a separate Red State nation to leave the United States and do their own thing?

I think the United States would be much more peaceful and civil and happy if we just let them go…and then we can move on and rejoin the civilized international community. Let the southern states go.


Why doesn’t the GOP want Roy Moore? If he’s elected, will he fail to vote for the Trump agenda? Surely he won’t be even in the top 10 most loathsome or embarrassing Republicans in Congress.


Once you reform the Reagan gerrymandering and stop conservatives from tampering with voter rights, you’d be surprised how united we actually are.

This was a John Bircher/Heritage Foundation deliberate act to end round our democracy. Where there is corruption there will be reform. And Where there is complete corruption there will be a Trump who rises which leads to complete reform…after a world war perhaps? .

The GOP has committed many sins but from this one there can be no redemption. They killed their own American Exceptionalism world theory…just like they killed their arguments for a conservative ideology. A one party system is in effect Nazism.


They live to prove sane people wrong.


Apparently, it’s time for your overtly stupid comments at TPM.


Roy Moore will win that Senate seat. And given the current GOP, we’ll barely notice the uptick in crazy.


RE: “Judge” Roy Moore:


Let the ‘Parade of Uglies’ continue. Between Trump* and Moore Americans will be vomiting them out of office at the polling booth.


Racist, theocratic, backward Alabama rubes support one of their own. Is this a surprise?


Roy Moore is everything that is wrong with the Republican Party in one neat little package.

A racist, misogynistic, arrogant, Bible-Thumping Dominionist who would LOVE to see a President Pence to help lead the creation of a Fascist-Theocratic America where “The Handmaids Tale” is not a cautionary book, but an instruction manual.


The GOP has a number of “special” folks running for the Senate.

How would you like to work for this GOP anal fissure?

The agonizing, 8-page memo on how to chauffeur a congressman

Pity the poor aide charged with driving Rep. Todd Rokita around his district.


Looks like Rokita’s got the kind of “friend” Bannon’s got.
Couldn’t happen to nicer guys.

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Moore is likely to be the nominee of the GOP. White conservatives in AL probably feel like their culture is under assault, and that liberals are taking advantage of #charlottesville to ram through removal of the confederacy from the landscape. Moore will play to those cultural themes.