Discussion: GOP Divided Over Using Budget Process To Attack O-Care

Discussion for article #232194

You can’t win, GOP…if you strike the ACA down, it will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine…



It’s not so much a debate in Republican circles as a clash of thought-terminating cliches :zzz:


“It’s time to stop pussy-footing around with excuses and half-assed attempts at partial repeal, and get serious,” Erickson wrote last week. “Make Obama veto the repeal of his signature legislation.”

Oh yeah…THAT will show Obama who’s boss!


Let’s pretend, just for a minute, that the Republicans can somehow manage to actually repeal the ACA. The insurance lobby will go completely insane, given that the ACA was essentially a Republican-written handout to that industry. What’s the Republican plan for dealing with that?


Time for Johnny Boehner to take responsibility and resign.


Short version of these GOP deliverations: What’s the simplest way to screw the most Americans?


They’ll replace it with “FreedomCare”, which will be the same thing, but with no nasty taxes on hard-working “job creators” or business-unfriendly ideas like no lifetime coverage limits or preexisting condition disqualifications.

Oh, and they’ll throw in “tort reform” (i.e., you can only get 50 bucks, max, for malpractice), and “selling insurance across state lines” (i.e., every citizen will be able to buy a shitty Alabama plan that won’t cover anything, and every insurer will race to the bottom to meet it).


The Heritage Foundation is against the PP-ACA? It’s 90% their own plan. So they hate their own ideas? WTF, O?

About the only things GOPers do agree on these days is that Obama is STILL Black. And that is bad. VERY, VERY BAD.


With any luck for the GOPers, they will be successful in  limiting Obama to only two terms as president. Although their previous plan of limiting him to one term didn’t turn out so good after all.


Their new strategy is to besiege him with so much bullshit that he doesn’t win that third term that he wrote into the Liberal Constitution then forced down the states’ throats at gunpoint while surrounded by Obamahitler New Black Panther Youth, backed up by the guns of ACORN.


Nihilists luvs them some big ol’ empty symbolic gestures, especially when they’re about destroyin’ stuff. Kleptocrats prefer austerity.


Don’t worry, Mitchy will whip the TP into shape or give 'em a time out. Same result.

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Erickson wrote last week. “Make Obama veto the repeal of his signature legislation.”

Um, okay. he would gladly do that. What’s your point, sparky.


Not just the insurance industry – also hospitals (private and public), and lots of doctors’ practices, and drug manufacturers and pharmacies, and on and on and on.


Those entities you cited are just the ones urging more coverage on uninsured people. They will not go away and will only turn up the pressure.


I guess this means that they’re over their fantasy of being able, or even trying to govern.

Up next: punitive abortion laws and Paul Ryan’s brand spankin’ new pretend arithmetic.


I can see why the Republicans are all about tort reform, as there hasn’t been a single Republican lawyer in all of recorded history.

“Senate precedents limit the number of reconciliation bills — one for taxes, one for spending and one to raise the government’s borrowing cap — and so a major debate has begun among Republicans over what to put in it.”

I know what you’re thinking, Mr. President: ‘Did he file six or only five in the chamber?’ Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement – the government shutdown, debt limit showdown, the fiscal cliff, Benghazi, the broken website, Cromnibus – I’ve kinda lost track myself. But being this is a reconciliation bill, the most powerful legislative weapon in the world, and would blow your signature domestic policy clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?

Oops, sorry, I’m still all tingly about the new Clint Eastwood film, “Congressional Sniper.”
Carry on.

I’m guessing you’ve dropped in on the thread about this film by Eastwood about killing those we were sent to Iraq to protect. It’s been a lively forum…