Discussion for article #222177
No one on the left that I’m aware of ever pushed to identify Sterling as a Republican until the right started pushing the false story that he was a Democrat. After all, his party affiliation is completely irrelevant. So why are they doing it? Because they know whenever someone is identified as a racist or misogynist (or both in this case) they immediately think “Republican.” So they push a false story that he’s a Democrat, which just leads to everyone pointing out he’s actually a Republican, and they have another racist misogynist problem on their hands that they never would have had if hadn’t lied to us.
Sounds like Deputy Dumbass there didn’t get the afternoon memo from the bossman that Sterling’s not a democrat any more, but an unfairly-maligned conservative hero who was set up by his conniving mistress.
“Duffy’s spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.”
Stay on him.
He’s on Twitter.
I just tweeted, asking him why he lied.
Rather than a lie, I’ll bet it’s more of question of where he gets his “facts”: Drudge and/or Nat’l Review. In either case, dumb as a stump.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s what happens when Rush Limbaugh is your “source” for information.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! We won’t hold our breath until Duffy (aka Goofy) issues a correction.
So this outburst occurred during a “hearing for the purposes of considering a resolution to authorize issuance of subpoenas to compel testimony of certain employees at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”
I hope TPM does a story on this hearing, which seems to be part of the continuing Republican-led campaign to demonize this agency, which was set up in the aftermath of the Wall Street meltdown and subsequent economic collapse to provide safeguards for consumers of financial products and services.
Sterling wasn’t much into politics at all. In 1989 he gave two thousand dollars to ex NBA player turned politician Bill Bradley (D). He gave one thousand to Gray Davis (D) in 1991, and also one thousand to Patrick Leahy (D) in 1991. He has given nothing to any party since 1991. His four thousand total in donations is comparable to a middle class family donating some loose pennies to their candidates. Although he was a registered Republican, Sterling was mostly a certified racist asshole. Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/04/28/democratic-donor-donald-sterling-must-mean-im-a-republican/?hpid=z2
So what did that have to do with Sterling and the Clippers???
It’s almost impossible to unring the racism bell, or undo the dog whistle.
“So what did that have to do with Sterling and the Clippers???”
Beats me, except that it seems typical given Congressional Republicans’ disrespect for governance, and their eagerness to use Congressional hearings to get their soundbites out no matter how fact-free.
Another lie by a lying liar. First, what difference would it make which party this bigot belongs to? I know Rushbo will and did lie about this earlier this week, but for a sitting Congressman to repeat the falsehood, in a committee meeting is repugnant. Will a correction and apology be forthcoming? I won’t hold my breath.
Consider the source. Sean Duffy is best known for being a reality TV personality “The Real World Boston” and being the doofus who at public town hall-style meeting in his district (think poor, rural) told his constituents that he was “struggling” to get by on his $174,000 salary.
The height of twisted-pretzel irony: Radio host Mike Gallagher spent Monday morning claiming he wasn’t bringing up the fact that Sterling’s is a Democrat – except to point out the liberal media was failing to report that he’s a Democrat when the media always points out party affiliation when the racist is a Republican.
BUT WHAT THE MEDIA ACTUALLY WASN’T REPORTING IS THAT HE’S A REPUBLICAN! This is driving me crazy. Republicans and their hacks have spent more time telling the lie that Sterling is a Democrat, than Democrats and liberals have spent telling the truth that he’s a Republican.
Sean Duffy, the one guy in the House who can make Blake Farenthold look smarter than…well, him.
Even Screwy Louie Gohmert looks a Duffy and says, “What the fuck is the matter with you?” The brain-dead blank look he gets in response is his answer.
Duffy’s spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
That’s because the spokesperson has to get really shitfaced before responding. Before and after.
TPM buried the lead on this one. The real story is that the Repugs have their hatchets out for the Consumer watchdog agency started by Elizabeth Warren. God forbid that anyone in the guvmint look out for we the people. GOTP has got to protect their billionaire puppet masters while they screw ordinary Americans out of every red cent.
everybody knew he wasn’t a Dem. he’s an old white man with money, for pete’s sake!!
Facts, what facts? We don’t need no stinking facts. What another fine example of the kind of folks the voters have sent to represent them. Wake up folks, you are being screwed by his type and not even kissed a little.
Lied or just read the stuff his “people” gave him. He’s pretty and religious. That’s about it.