Discussion: GOP Challenger Was In Guv. Race To Defeat 'Crony Capitalist' Sam Brownback

Discussion for article #226056

Thats 36.7% of REPUBLICANS who dont want to vote for Brownback. Even they know his smoke and mirrors at some point just wont work anymore, and that he did it so quickly helps people see it for the folly that it is…there aint no free lunch, even in Kansas.

Anyone who considers losing 37 % to 63 % as giving someone a run for their money should refrain from betting on sports.

Well, maybe not. Brownback has led a concerted effort, with heavy Koch funding, to eliminate all but the True Believers from state government. It was Brownback who brought discredited hack economist Arthur Laffer to lay out the fantasy case for tax cuts, and it’s Brownback who refuses to acknowledge – much less deal with – the tangible adverse consequences of his leadership. He may be the front man for the plutocrats, but without a puppet the puppeteer is only a hand waving in the air.

The line was generally assumed to be 20% at best for Winn. She handily beat the spread. Or, more accurately, Brownback seriously failed to cover.

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More interesting is Brownback’s excuse for his poor showing. He dipped into delusion, saying because people are so upset with Obama they voted against Brownback. Seriously.

Cool, she beat the “spread”. Still wasn’t a competitive race, which is the meaning of giving someone a run for their money.

Brownback is setting Kansas up to be bought by the Kochs for pennies on the dollar.