Discussion: GOP Car Salesman With No Money Knocks Off Previously Untouchable Dem

Discussion for article #230108

“As voters took out their disgust with President Barack Obama,…”

In WV they voted for Romney too.


Maynard did a commendable job running his dark horse campaign, and you have to admire citizen activism like his, even if you disagree with his politics. This is a conservative version of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Where are the Democratic versions of this?


In the historically Democratic state, about six out of 10 said they viewed the Democratic Party unfavorably.

Well, the Republicans are in control of Congress again and West Virginia may have another shot at putting a Bush in the White House. I’m so glad they stopped teaching history and civics in West Virgina, it makes the elections easier.

Coal mining jobs are disappearing in the Senate district. Obama’s plans to cut carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants to curb global warming are viewed there as an affront to the coal industry, which already faces market, geological and regulatory hindrances.

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest in the 1980s. Environmental impacts, pushback against ever expanding natural resource extraction, a changing economy, and an infrastructure that dates it’s efficiencies from 50 years ago. It’ll take a generational shift to see what the change is bringing and the region to accommodate the modern climate. Otherwise, they’re living in a pollution choked area that still ships it’s profits to corporate headquarters elsewhere and their vista consists of stip mined hills and working class poverty housing.


Jonathan Gruber was right. He deserves a medal


NPR just aired a story today pointing out that several million dollars in mine-safety fines have never been collected, so it’s important to keep in mind that “regulatory hindrances” haven’t been as bad as they could (or ought to) be.


Where were the democrats period!!


It won’t happen in coal country because there are no liberal cities to push for this in states like W. Virginia or Kentucky. Further, I’m not aware of these states having economic alternatives. Boeing, hate 'em or hate 'em, still employs tens of thousands in the Puget Sound region and the tech industry twice that many.

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Machine politics aren’t invincible no matter if you have a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ next to your name

Democrats in coal mining states need to sponsor legislation that will provide employment in renewable energy industries such as solar and wind power that are replacing coal and gas while funding local educational programs that will prepare workers for these jobs.

Nomatter who is in power, coal is a dying industry.

A case in point - Kansas, the home of Koch Industries, now receives more than 20% of its power from wind turbines, many of the components of which are being manufactured in state.

Where would you rather work - in a coal mine, or a clean, automated factory which produces wind turbine rotors?


Who wrote this, a republican??

"“Everybody’s low approval rating of the president and the way he was running the country”

Everybody ?

I thought it was another Sahil story, personally…

Heard this guy on talk radio a few days ago. He’s barely literate.

Idiots. That is all.

Gruber’s almost always right.

This about sums it up:


I’ll be the Koch’s feel downright dirty to be living in a state with so much clean energy.