Discussion: GOP Candidates Propose Minimizing RNC Involvement In Debate Process

Discussion for article #242401

Yes, by all means, show us how Republican president wannabes will make things happen.

Please proceed.


In other words, they propose a free for all, gladiator style.

This should make the next few debates really funny. I can hardly wait, no substantive questions at all, but only fluff and attack / counter attacks, childish rants, the clown car will show us an even crazier manifestation soon than it already is.


The very fact that they want to cut-out the RNC tells you two things:
(1) Reince Preibus is toast.
(2) The GOP is no longer a political party. It’s a performance art cabal built on the paranoid fantasies and sub-textual race hatred of Fox News.


When interviewing for a job the candidates DO NOT ASK THE QUESTIONS or decide the format…

  1. It would appear that the candidates were earlier than the RNC to realize that whatever these TV shows are, they’re exposing those running for the GOP nomination as buffoons.
  2. No more unexpected/unwanted, er, “gotcha” questions - like “how would your tax plan work?”
  3. Boring, inconsequential opening and closing statements to make this kind of like the teacher’s pet running for student council.
  4. Viewers appear to enjoy the spontaneity as much as it’s messy - will they bother tuning in to watch the buffoons recite rehearsed bromides and read out resume highlights?.

what all the ‘candidates’ seem to want is to produce two to four hour infomercials where the clown car doesn’t have to say anything actually substantive or respond when challenged by actual facts…

I guess the candidates would prefer questions, as evidence by sCruz suggesting that Hannity, Limbaugh and Levin as credible moderators, would lob ‘questions’ at them that would allow them to attack Clinton, Sanders and Democrats in general as socialist commie pinko fascist nazis in general…

also clearly ungodly and and baby killers to boot…


SSDD for the GOP! Just like yesterday…today and tomorrow will be run by the inmates:


If a Republican wins the Presidency their approach to diplomacy, and specifically dealing with Putin, will be a fun watch. “President Putin, my delegation, and myself specifically, feel your questions are ‘gotcha’ in nature and merely designed to make me look foolish and uninformed. We need to call a recess in our talks until you agree to allow the U.S. to designate the people representing you, along with a promise to pose queries we feel merit a response.”


This is the way things should be. The students giving the exam.


Cage match pay per view. Revenues used to pay the privately contracted paramedics.

This gets sillier and sillier. Who in their right mind would vote for any of these clowns?


The drama queens want censorship. That’s the story.

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All I’m getting from this is that Republicans want to run the country, but can’t even trust their own institutions to organize a televised debate. That’s something that various groups have managed to pull off without so much whining for more than 50 years.

Not exactly oozing with confidence there, folks.


I’ll disagree with the general thrust here and say that if you read the letter linked via WaPo, most of the candidates’ requests are actually fairly reasonable. I’ve got no problem with changes that make the debates less game-show like: audiences should be silent, for example. Backdrops less goofy, no props used by candidates or moderators, etc.

On substance, the candidates are right yes/no “raise your hand” questions with no substantive comment from candidates are not all that useful, and opening / closing statements pretty much standard for a debate (it’s one thing that distinguishes a debate from a press availability). Hell, Kennedy/Nixon opening statements were 8 minutes each!

The tricky issue is moderator followup and candidate-candidate questioning, or at least direct rebuttal time after another candidate’s answer. If those are both “zero”, then you end up with the Bush-Dukakis debates. But things have devolved too far the other direction, with things mostly about trying to provoke candidate-candidate conflict.


Oh, they’re out there. Sadly, being in your right mind is not a prerequisite to voting.

Surprised that #1 didn’t happen sooner…

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According to the Politico, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s campaign wanted the RNC to reinstate Telemundo’s involvement in the February debate, even if NBC News’ partnership remains suspended. However, Trump’s campaign threatened to boycott a debate with Telemundo moderators.

Bush just wanted it leaked that he wanted to reinstate Telemundo so his job is done. NBC can’t cave to Trump’s boycott threat and still say they believe in a free press. I’m wondering how Trump is going to get out of the hole he’s put himself in.

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A lot of the supporters of the more crazy of these contestants agree with them, and are cheering on the media bashing. They want the news they want from sources they choose and disregard the rest. But TV networks will not relinquish their control and Fox has already established the ground rules of the November 10 debate in Milwaukee, i.e. no opening statements.

If they are going to run infomercials the networks should charge them for the airtime.