Discussion for article #223944
Well, of course I didn’t see it but when he said this was he sitting next to the Georgia rep who just now said the lack of immigration reform was all Obama’s fault? The Jon Stewart material is writing itself today.
". But again there were a lot of other issues in this race, as well.”
like maybe spending more on Steak dinners for lobbyist and donors than your opponents entire campaign ?
I think it’s more likely that Candor’s supporters didn’t show up because he was favored to win easily. It was a open primary and a lot of democrats came out to vote against him. He shut down the government, cut unemployment benefits and blocked VA funding. Teaparty voters could see he wasn’t representing their interests. It had nothing to do with immigration reform. Brat will never be elected.
Wait…what? Rep. Price (DB-GA) says it’s all Obama’s fault…RWDBs just can’t get their talk points straight.
Another one who can’t, or won’t read. The folks in Cantor’s district approve of immigration reform. Even republicans. Cantor lost because the voters disapproved of him. The info is out there, but this clown is ignoring facts to push is agenda driven drivel.
The constituents are holding up signs saying where are the jobs, listen to us, etc., and in response Cantor embarked on a listening tour and after one session at a pizzeria the tour was over. He really didn’t want to hear the concerns of his constituents, he was only interested in snappy but empty branding makeovers, such as concern for pediatric cancer but with no money to back it up. From VF, The Old Flack Magic.
Really, GOP still trying to put lipstick on a pig. Canter lost because he was an obstructionist and appeared to represented the bigoted rightwing while representing the corporations and the 1%. Standard operating procedure for the GOP. So was it the GOP or was it Democratic stratigy !
Eric had an immigration stance? Then, Greg, how do you explain Lindsey Graham and Renee Elmers having pro-immigration reform planks in their platforms and winning?