I am NOT having a good Monday you guys. I really hate these MOFOs that can’t allocate spending for starving children but BY GOD they can approve funds for Trump’s ego driven military parade???
No golf carts allowed!
What if we gave a war parade and no one showed up?
Pure distraction. Trumpians want us to make noise about this to prove we are unpatriotic.
I guess it’s “Merica! Fuck Yeah!” time. We can sandwich it between the midterm elections and the start of impeachment proceedings.
Then he’ll want to fire the FAA director and install his personal pilot to run the agency, just like nominating his personal WH physician to run the VA.
Seriously, didn’t he already do that?
Like this?
He almost never smiles like that. It should be the Duce scowl.
I will not vote for any fucking Democratic politician or contribute money to any of those that vote for that ridiculously absurd ego-driven bill to soothe and placate that insecure Baby Hitler In Chief. Buy him a set of little plastic army men and call it a day.
That’s my input for today.
Well, hopefully they give us enough notice that we can line the streets with sick and malnourished American children and people who have lost their health care as a result of the GOP’s budget cuts to things like SCHIP and their sabotage of things like the ACA…all while they spend millions helping the infant in the WH live out his fantasy of playing with real G.I. Joes so a message can be sent to brown countries and political enemies at home that the GOP is a bunch of big tough hombres.
One of the many uniquely awful features of our current national disaster is the number of stories where it takes two or three hours for the acid of your real feelings of outrage, disgust and horror to eat through the armor of cynicism that informed your initial snarky response. This is one of them.
"parade to show our military strength,”
i.e., this has nothing to do with honoring veterans, no matter what his sycophant lickspittle salad-tossers in Congress put in the legislation
Yes, they would fall over themselves to fund vocational and college degrees, increase salaries for medical personell to make the VA hospitals a global leader in health care, assign personal assistants for homeless vets to get them proper food, housing, and mental health care if they request it. But…
Little Donny: I see candy! I want candy!
Republican Congress: Oh, poor little Donnie. We are budget hawks. We can’t buy you candy.
Little Donny: Candy! Candy! Candy!
Repub Congress: Oh, all right. We’ll get you all the candy you want… for Patriotism. Yeah. That will work.
You gotta be fucking kidding. A military parade for a asshole who is:
- A proven coward and draft dodger,
- A serial sexual predator, and
- A deadbeat bankrupt.
What next. We can only hope for a Trump Memorial in a Jersey landfill.
I’d like to see what some veterans have to say actually.
“So you fought in WWII?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Would you like us to throw you a big Nazi-style military parade to honor your service?”
If it has not been said prior, no active duty service members want this gig.
Weeks of rehearsals and the big event in the hot humid July that is Washington DC.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Personally, I had already planned to drive several ten-penny nails straight into my forehead that day, so I will just have to miss it. Sorry.
Insane enough to be true, true enough to be insane.