Discussion: GOP Baseball Shooting Forces Congress To Weigh Security Against Access

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Where’s the extra security for all the Americans who are in danger of gun violence every day?


I noticed the fruitcakes/snowflakes are beating their chests about carrying “next time”. I imagine the same thing happening in the early 30’s, in Germany. Next time the gunman will have a silencer and actually kill some.


Congress critters are the ones who keep doing the NRA’s bidding and prevent any meaningful gun legislation from being brought to the floor, let alone get passed. Now they are all afraid and say they need more protection. Really? Do any of them see the tragic irony of this? Or do they think they will be able to continue to protect only themselves? Hey Congress critters, guns do not have any political affiliation. The level to which you choose to ignore the will of the people - remember that quaint notion that government is for and by the people - the more people will feel disgust and, yes, political hatred. Give some people a gun and they will try to salve their anger by using it on those they feel disgust and hatred for. The more you try to “govern” in secret, the more contempt people will feel for you and some of those people have guns. You are all craven fools. Nobody deserves to be shot, but you are the ones who have made the conditions so easy.

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On the contrary. If they genuinely believe that guns protect people, then the Capitol should be an “open carry zone,” like churches, schools, and bars. Mo Brooks said today that the carnage would have been lower if everyone had been carrying weapons. Well, first, this was Virginia where open carry is legal; and second, put your Kevlar where your mouth is: open carry on the Hill.

And, if not, why not?



This makes being a politician much more than just a career. It’s proselytizing. Welfare at its purist.

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Congress should get the same level of security as the average citizen.

If they can’t feel secure at that level, then maybe pass some gun-control laws.


The New York Post has a witness’ cell phone video which documents exactly what a guy with a gun would do. A dozen shots would be fired before he figured out what was happening. He’d hunker down, try to figure out what’s going on, and still be unable to hold a steady aim. And this is not meant as a knock on the witness. It’s human nature.

This vigilante / hero fantasy, that anyone packing is going to prevent or stop anything at all, just needs to stop being indulged across the board.

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They should have to live in the nation of guns with the same level of protections as any citizen, they built it.

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