Ron Johnson is truly one of the stupidest members of the US Senate. Please stop trying to make everything about “Islamic terrorism.”
I bet, if you trace the shooter’s history back, you’ll find that his ancestors were immigrants. Another radicalized European…
Too bad the GOP congress refuses to fund studies on gun violence. A little reality based data might shed some light on where to focus our efforts.
I’m sad every time I think of the kids and teachers who were killed and witnessed the killings at Sandy Hook. If that didn’t move people to do something, I don’t know what will. I’m not really sad about the shooting today, because the people who were shot had the means to do something about it, and they have refuse to do anything. I’m not happy they were shot. I’m happy no one was killed. But I am not really hopeful that anything will change. It is the stupidest thing in the world to let people have assault weapons designed for war in a civilian setting.
It is the stupidest thing in the world to let people have assault weapons designed for war in a civilian setting. Yep. Absolutely no rational reason for that.
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who, in suit and tie, stopped by the crime scene to pray and was viscerally angry about his colleagues being attacked. “And the center of America is disappearing, and the violence is appearing in the streets, and it’s coming from the left.”
“The divisions within the country, people that can’t accept the results of the election that are determined to try to take this country down, take this organization down,” he said. “This city was filled up with demonstrations the day after the inauguration, where you couldn’t drive down the streets. And we’ve had demonstrations every week since then, sometimes different topics. We do need to focus on what’s happening to the culture in this country.” (WaPo)
Yep. Its always those violent leftists demonstrating and stuff.
Somehow, I don’t think Rep. King is applauding “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The “Eco-terrorist Menace” is a lurid fantasy of the right and law enforcement going back to the '90s. How many people have “Eco-terrorists” killed, now? I remember some kids burning down a lot full of SUVs a few years back, but that’s about it. Please, Dem electeds, don’t incorporate made-up rightwing tropes into your messaging for sake of balance.
Claire McCaskill has been doing stellar work as she fights back against the trumpian agenda lately. Saying exactly the right things at critical moments make her a standout Senator worthy of our support. Gonna send a few bucks her way to show that I totally agree with her counter to idiot Johnson’s words of BS this morning.
White man hysteria ----------he-steria…
Hmm, wonder what King said after Representative Giffords was shot? Here it is:
“you’re watching people that are trying to take political advantage of this Tucson tragedy. And I think it is wrong to to do that. We can’t try get into the mind of a deranged killer, and then add some rationale to it that suits our political purposes. That’s wrong.”
“We’ve got to get to the point where people feel free and safe to go practice in the morning on a baseball field, or walk a street, or raise their family,” he said.
Conspicuously missing: “or send out children to school”.
School shootings have become so commonplace that the press has stopped reporting them: WaPo (The San Bernardino attack is the 12th school shooting of 2017 — and the second in a week)
Ron Johnson is a died-in-the-wool Wisconsin redneck. Probably has his little Aryan bunker somewhere in the northwoods.
Steve King is a fascist white supremacist that would enthusiastically support violence against minorities, liberals and other undesirables. Eighty years ago he would have been a nazi.
I can’t remember, how did the GOTP react when Gifford- D AZ was shot in the head. Don’t think that Ryan was all we are one back then.
As long as the NRA keeps buying members of congress , nothing will change, ever.
Until we have Campaign Finance Reform Nothing will change , ever
Per the Census, there are roughly 245 million adults aged 18 and over in the U.S. Multiplying the adult population by the ownership rate gives us between 73 million and 81 million adult gun owners in the U.S. And the 5 million NRA members represent about 6 or 7 percent of that total.
2016 Nearly 20 million
That’s saying something!
Didn’t the Republican Congress protect the gun rights of domestic abusers? And just pass a law legalizing silencers. I’m sure silencers like allow domestic abusers to buy guns will make us safer.
Steve King takes any and every opportunity to spout his hateful rhetoric and foment violence. For the safety of our country, he needs to be banned.
Louis Gohmert of Texas gets my vote for dumbest congressman.
Gohmert: “[The Second Amendment] is for our protection —…the guns are there, the Second Amendment is there, to make sure all of the rest of the amendments are followed.”
Giddy-up, cowboy. Yeehaw.