Discussion: Golden State Warriors Had Epic Sterling Boycott Planned For Last Night's Game

Discussion for article #222194

I’m glad Silver dropped the hammer so this wasn’t necessary – but it would have been awesome if it happened, on national television!


Epic appears to be the word of the day.

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Interestingly, those jackets the Clippers chucked onto the floor are half-off for some reason. Maybe that was enough to put the fear of money into the NBA, no epic required.

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Aside from Sterling, the race-baiting GOP is a big, big loser in this matter…No wonder the usual Benghazi suspects have risen from the grave; a sad but ‘new look’ Ms. Ayotte was even prematurely pumping the Russian stock market yesterday to a rapt Mrs. Greenspan.

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Epic appears to be the misused word of the day.

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To all those who criticized the players for not taking a tougher action on that first night. Any player knows the first response should not be in anger, but measured and deliberate. Way to go NBA! Way to go Warriors and Clippers!

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Yes, I saw that interview - you described it perfectly.