Discussion: GoFundMe Border Wall Ordered To Cease And Desist After Failing To Provide Permit

The local government might want to also take a look at this firm’s other recent construction projects…

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90%+ of building permits are on privately owned land


I wonder if getting a “cease and desist” from your local building authorities has any impact on your ability to land a federal construction contract.


That was me!



It’s one of those self-limiting system features. Otherwise somebody would have to intervene.

…SCOTUS picks as well as every judge approved since [Imbecile-1] was elected.

I have been waiting for any of the 10,000 Democratic candidates to address this, under the rubric of “fruit of the poisonous tree.” If you’re sitting in jail and later find out your lawyer and the prosecutor had already decided the case between them, did you get a fair trial? No. The fix was in and there wasn’t even the semblance of actual justice.

There are no Bush judges or Obama judges, but there will always be Imbecile-1 judges who happily accepted a nomination from an unindicted co-conspirator and who was found to have engaged in obstruction of justice per the Mueller Report. How can that person be trusted if they still went along with it, knowing that their official sponsor was tainted? And so many of these people were rated as “unqualified” by the American Bar Association. There is no way given all this, that you could enter a courtroom with one of these judges and expect a fair trial.

Wonder why more people haven’t picked up on that.

ETA: It’s kinda like the Stanford/USC admissions scandal. Kids were let in under false pretenses, not fairly. Just because they got official admissions letters doesn’t negate that they got there by false means. And they shouldn’t stay there, either.


I was just in the El Paso/Sunland Park area in March. Seeing where they built this wall reminds me of the guy looking for his lost watch. Asked why he wasn’t looking in the area it was lost, he said, “the light is better over here.”


You exaggerate. There are only 2,200 declared Democratic presidential candidates so far.


I blame my intern for that.

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To be fair, I think some of them are running multiple times…

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Can he take the yacht?

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Tear it down!
Tear it down!
Tear it down!


Being a trumper humper and being utterly stupid are kind of inseparable, no?

It is of course traditional for one candidate to run on multiple platforms and multiple promises depending upon his audience. Even Obama promised all six sides of the same die to Hasbro, Ideal, the National Toy Manufacturing Association, the Game Importers’ Council, Amazon, and the Union of Plastic Casters.

There is no direct method of removing them because Trump is illegitimate. However, they could be individually impeached for the high crime and misdemeanor of accepting a nomination from his hand. As a legal theory this rests on their realizing that he is illegitimate which would be difficult to prove. There would be a stronger case for their removal if they chose to remain after Trump was impeached because then it would be ludicrous for them to maintain that they had a reasonable belief in his legitimacy.

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I was thinking there might be some basis for adding to Trump’s list of High Crimes and Misdemeanors his attempts to stack the Supreme Court with ideologues. This might stick better if you consider the likelihood that Trump picked nominees who would help him stay out of jail. Include if you like cooperating with McConnell’s agenda to delay a nomination until a worse president could act on it.

Is anybody else a little tired of pictures leading an article with no fucking captions? One day it’s three people i don’t recognize, the next it’s a landscape with some construction machinery… i mean, half the time i really have no clue if the image is just picked up off a stock site because it looks like it might have something to do with the subject of the article. i like to think that tpm is smarter than that, and hopefully whoever laid out this image has some clue where the image was taken, when it was taken, and what, or who, the image purports to be… SO SHARE THAT WITH THE REST OF US! IT’S CALLED A CAPTION… thank you, i will climb down off my soapbox now and hope the josh (or someone) is paying attention.

You’re too polite. McConnell is more than an enemy of the people. He’s a power hungry ideologue wiling to rape, murder and pillage, usually by proxy, anyone who gets in his way. He’s a fanatic. A zealot dressed in a suit. He doesn’t care about ‘the people,’ only about winning what he wants. From the day of Obama’s inaugural’s, when he said the job of Republicans was to make sure he didn’t get a second term, it has been clear he has no interest in governance or democracy.
Notice how quiet he’s been? Now that’s scary.
It’s probably obvious: I despise him.

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I wholly agree!
But other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?