Discussion: Glenn Greenwald Doesn't Share #ThisTown's Love Of Tim Russert

Discussion for article #222661

When he died, Lewis Lapham described him as the over accommodating head waiter at some really swanky restaurant who’s just really good at ass-kissing every rich person who comes into the door.

Which isn’t a whole lot better than being a sanctimonious ass such as yourself.


Wow. I actually read an entire post about Glenn Greenwald and was able to say afterward that I agreed with him wholeheartedly on every single thing he said.

Russert was a Tool. He was, as Greenwald, points out, way better at obscuring it than Gregory is.


Well, he’s correct about Russert.

What i find more interesting is that here’s someone on a book tour, who then says something they’ve said numerous times before being presented as “news”. I think TPM does this because so many here just can’t resist the urge to call Greenwald a dick ( read: clik clik clik) and say nothing else. I guess they know their readers.


Dudebro has a book to sell and a marketplace to swindle into thinking he knows WTF he’s talking about on any given subject, so nothing is off-limits, including digging up graves. So he didn’t like Russert, this isn’t news - none of us who questioned the entire journalism sector from 2003-2009 liked him all that much either, but nobody’s lining up to interview us…and neither are we speaking ill of the dead.

It’s also not news to have Double G working the refs to try and sell snake oil to the public.

::sits back and waits for the flying Greenwaldian monkeys to descend, sips a tea::


Russert was perfect journalist … for an oligarchy.


And yet both the Bush and Obama administrations give interviews with local reporters in the hinterlands where they are much more awed by the power of the presidency and tend to ask softball questions. It’s easier to get the PR out that way whether they’re selling Bush’s Social Security privatization scam or Obamacare.

Greenwald really skewers these pricks. The average person hasn’t a clue about the diabolical propaganda devices are these Sunday morning discussion shows.


I don’t care what Greenwald like or dislikes. I maintain the man has a too big to fit in his head ego


Actually its a whole lot worse.

“Because the benefit of Tim Russert was that not only did he let them control the message, but he cast the appearance that they were subjected to really rigorous questioning.”

You get what this means, right?


I can’t say I’m am in any way a fan of Greenwald. But hard to argue considering the Sunday shows.


So are you really equating Obamacare witth he privatization of social security?


Speaking of sanctimonious . . . yes I get what this means.

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This is heresy! Tim Russert was the bravest, wisest, finest reporter this country has ever known.

Seriously, I’m surprised nobody has yet brought up how his child, Baby Spud, got a job with NBC because of who his father was.


…or, perhaps they do it because they know that it will draw the Glenn Greenwald fan club, and defenders of the faith.

Easy target.


In this context “sanctimonious” means “opposes people in power who break the law and/or refuse to do their job of enforcing the law.”

Always seemed weird to me a few years ago when TPM turned into a den of Obama apologists - people intent of smearing any person who dared point out that Obama was breaking campaign promises left and right. Any person who pointed out that Obama was maintaining the surveillance state, punishing whistleblowers more than torturers, and hadn’t lifted a finger to redress the law-breaking that led to the financial collapse in 2008 was smeared by people like jsfox for being “sanctimonious”.
It’s a great word for making moral behavior seem like it’s bad.


The Sunday morning shows have been a waste of bandwidth ever since David Brinkley retired. The country would be better off of the networks just ran juicer infomercials.


Greenwald is an traitorous, unAmerican, little snot-nosed wannabe that couldn’t hold a candle to Tim Russert. He is a disgrace to journalism and he is a disgrace to America.


Thank God for folks like Greenwald. He is stating what I have thought for a number of years. Russert was a tool. I remember reading years ago about Cheney and his views on Meet the Press. If Cheney thought the TV program was “his platform,” it is a damning indictment that Tim Russert was not a journalist but an ass-kisser. It is why I do not watch any of the Sunday news shows anymore.