Discussion for article #232414
BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA H AH AH AHAHA AHAHAHA (gasp!) It’s nice to know that in this universe of change, some things never will. Glen wants the Pope to…buy GOOOOOLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!!
Sure but first explain Mormonism.
I think he knows, Douchebag. Hence the criticisms.
Maybe the Pope can teach you a bit about Christianity, because you ain’t one.
Wasn’t GB on his death bed a few months ago?
Thought he might have shuffled off this mortal coil by now.
Guess Je$u$ didn’t need him as much as GB thought.
Well, Geez!
The Vatican bank has all that Lira
GB’s just trying to tap into that mother lode.
someone needs to tell Beck that reading a couple of Cliff Notes books on Ayn Rand doesn’t make one an expert on Capitalism…
Has Mr. Beck given up on his “I is smrt” glasses?
Pope Francis To Glenn Beck : I Need To Teach You about Christianity
Sure. Right after your lesson in humility.
“This is what Capitalism is…it’s convincing the rubes out there to buy my shit.Oh…and gold too.”
Pope to Glenn Beck: Glenn who?
He’s wearing contexts now.
One doesn’t TEACH the Pope.
Because, as a Mormon AND a Republican, Beck has got this reality thing down.
I think this is the definition of chutzpah. Major chutzpah. Make-yourself-look-like-an-ass chutzpah.
Tell it to Jesus. The Man and his commune of followers was very socialistic if not outright…
Sure can. I mean, obviously Pope Francis is waay too touchy-feely, what with all his “feed the hungry, clothe the poor” new testament nonsense. Someone needs to sit him down and explain Free-Market Jesus to him. How the “free market” truly loves people and how if Jesus were around today what make of gun he would be strappin’.