Norquist’s tweets from burning man were fucking hilarious
Glenn, do you really believe that God lives on the Planet Golob? Do you believe you get to be the god of your own planet when you die? Do you believe Jesus and Satan are brothers?
I think they meant to type “demon.”
Let’s paint Norquist as a Islamic State sympathizer and let him prove otherwise.
I feel absolutely ancient knowing those references, Thanks…
I think they should compare and contrast their stubbly beards. That would be some riveting television.
Glenn Beck is a paranoid schizophrenic. He admitted he is schizophrenic publicly in an interview. He needs to check his meds and make sure the dose is correct.
A battle of wits between unarmed opponents.
But seriously, the balkanization of the RIght is a good thing in the long term.
Now all they need to do is go full Goldwater and nominate one of their “pure conservatives” for President.
These two should have been on the Gemanwings flight. Noise and air pollution would be reduced by 25% immediately.
Well, in Beck’s case its more likely they’re picking up literature.
Its so hard to choose, so I think I’ll continue to hate them both equally.
Do you really think it’s possible for anyone to get out of Beck’s office without being shaken down for at least a few bucks?
Haven’'t read all the other comments, but I’m sure I’m not the only one rooting for injuries.
Eating their own. I do believe this is the first time I’ve ever seen Grover thrown back on his heels by an aggressive interviewer. It looked like he really cared that Beck believe him and still like him, whereas in all the interviews I’ve seen, he clearly doesn’t care. I guess it took Beck and the red letter of Islamic terrorism to do it to him. Now, we just need someone crazier than Beck to do it to Beck. And so on. That was amazing to watch.
You gotta love Beck’s skeptical eye movements, small head shake and knowing smile. “I don’t believe you for a second, Grover, you old Islamist. You can pull the wool over the eyes of the MSM and the dummies at Fox, but this is ‘Glenn Beck’ you’re talking to. Nice try, though.” Grover really looked upset and even started stuttering, called to account as he was before the Grand Wizard of Wingnut Wizardry for his suspicious actions and associations. “Terrorists never come to my office, Grover. You’re one unlucky guy, I guess, like Obama. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.” You could see Grover starting to sweat, knowing he was about to be hauled off to the tumbrils that would soon carry him to Place de la Concorde.
Of course, Gaffney, who is the looniest of them all and doesn’t get the public attention he deserves, especially with his smooth Beltway Bandit delivery and think tank beard and tweedy demeanor, has been on Grover’s case for a long time. They had adjoining offices (shared copiers, I think) at one time or were down the hall from each other, and Frank sniffed out what was going on and made sure others knew it. He just doesn’t have the microphone that Beck has. Frank reeks of “Washington insider,” while Glenn is as far out in the solar system as you can get and still transmit to earth. Hence the latter’s much bigger following.
12 hours later and it still reads DEMIN!
Must not be a headliner story then
Beck is getting fat.
Back when NYC was scary and weird.
Yes, all this ‘reducing government so it can drowned in a washbasin’ is just preparation for the muslim coup d’etat and the introduction of sharia law. All men without a full beard will be killed immediately !!!
(Why should the right wing nutjobs have a monopoly on conspiracy theories ?)