Discussion: Glenn Beck: 'Hillary Clinton Will Be The Next President Of The United States'

There was an unforceable anomaly in their calculations. Barack Obama was correct on the war AND he was black. He took the left from her, and he stomped all throughout the south, everywhere except Arkansas. He was also MUCH better at articulating a vision for the country. He was just a better political athlete, and Pat Robertson used to say.

Rushbo and his ilk all survived 8 years of W and got fatter all the while. The key to survival for these asshats is the old white guy demographic that’s keeping The Republican party alive. They’ll all die together and not soon enough for me.

So, now he’s ready to come crawling back to reality? Too late, Dude. Too. Late.

[Beck] added: "We already have friends on the left who say, ‘Will you guys
just shut up about Benghazi?’ They’ve won that. Same with the IRS. All
of it."

It doesn’t matter. GOPers will scream BENGHAZI! until they’re blue in the face.

There really is no such thing as inevitability, however for one time I can say that I actually do agree with Beck here. If the purists of the Democratic Party can put aside their fears that Hillary is just an “establishment candidate,” while focusing on what it is we wish to accomplish, while not inevitable, I think she surely does have a much better shot at that Oval Office, than any Republican! By the way: That will be the day that the Republican Party will experience another nervous breakdown, and become completely sexist.

I predict that it will take no more than four and one-third Friedman units for us to find out whether this is correct or not.


Compared to…the aughts? The 80’s? The 70’s?

Maybe if we go all the way back to the 60’s we can find something to compare against?

He may be right. Thanks to the media hype we may have to settle for another Republican-lite. I, on the other hand, still hope we can find an actual Democrat. We haven’t had one since the mid-20th century. Ironically, the best Democratic president we’ve had in the past 100 years was Ike; a Republican. Second best: LBJ. Best Republican president? Bill Clinton followed closely by Barack Obama.

You’re correct. As long as Democrats are cowed into believing we can’t do better than a war-loving, labor-hating, Republican-lite political hack, she will be the candidate for president. You may call it ‘putting aside fears’; I call it what it is: accepting the candidate the corporatist, neo-fascists force upon us. The only hope this country has is to deny the corporate rulers their chosen puppet and elect a real Dem.

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Yup. It’s really a failure of imagination.

He is probably right which happens from time to time when you blather all day every day. The odds are with him.
Benghazi is in stage 2 or 9, whatever, crisis mode as far as the Republicans are concerned. The leader of the current, going no where-proving nothing new investigation, just said that he will drag it out until 2016. Glenn is playing stupid intentionally, again. This will last until he comes up with his next new revelation, then everything that he has previously said will be trashed.

The important thing is, that a Republican won’t be President for decades to come. We (us Democrats) will break all of the glass ceilings before a Repub ever sees the office of the President again. First woman Prez-eezy peezy, first Latino-muiy facile, longest running Democratic wins-oh hell yeah!

Beck will retire with all Democratic leaders and that is wonderful.

there is a rumor he raped and murdered a young girl in 1990 but I don’t believe it

that is silly, oversimplified (flattens several political axes), and ahistorical (if you think Ike was to the left of Clinton, for example)

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Try PhillipsScrewDrivers.

Equal parts OJ, Vodka and Phillips MilkOfMagnesia
Repeat as often as necessary to get things moving .

Guaranteed to fill TeaPotties.

no, I do not recall such an undercurrent. the undercurrent was that the GOP was a clown show that had almost broken the country, the Dem nominee was probably a shoo-in, and we could even afford to finally nominate a woman or a black person and still win.

The important thing is, that a Republican won’t be President for decades to come.

I wish I could believe that.