I’ve got some news for Trump, many of his supporters have trans children and many just came out to family members after the Obama protections.
I’ve been surprised by the number of virulent rightwing types known to us who have, in the last year or so, confessed to or have even introduced us to their trans children.
Additionally, even here in the Kentucky section of The Enchanted Forest, trans people have become more visible in area businesses.
Mooch might have to find another tire with a bigger hole for Trump to aim his next football.
What better proof of Trump’s allegiance to Putin?
This is the front in the struggle for human rights in the US, but it’s hard for me not to think this Twitter announcement is just more distraction. That the military might be struggling with the high cost of gender change procedures is, like most shit that falls from his mouth, completely without substance.
Trump does like his foreign despots. If they can do it, he can do it. Late night round ups and executions of ‘them’ is coming to you sooner that you think.
Donnie has been seen wearing a wristband sayin: WWPD?
What Would Putin Do?
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for m
Trump Goal Is ‘Erase LGBTQ Americans’
“Except for Dennis Hastert. Hastert’s my kind of guy, really”, Trump added. “I’ve heard he led a scout troop and is very very loyal.”
Somewhere Thiel is thinking “I mean, this is only for transgender rights. He’s not gonna go after gay men, I have money. Right? RIGHT???”
I don’t think he wants to erase them. He wants to use them as a scapegoat to gin up his bigoted base and distract the country from the investigation into his criminality.
My thoughts exactly. He wants to revive this punching bag. Kicking them out of places is just a bonus.
“Today further exposed President Trump’s overall goal to erase LGBTQ Americans from this nation."
No, he wants to save his ass from the fallout from the Russia investigation. The victims of his Red Meat Crusade are of secondary consideration.