“he believes Trump’s tweets have been “effective” at turning public opinion against Mueller’s probe.”
Thank goodness the proceedings will be held in the court of public opinion, oh wait…
My two cents
Giuliani reportedly voiced a recurring team Trump concern that talking to Mueller would be a “perjury trap” for the President, since “truth is relative” and “they may have a different version of the truth than we do.”
When I was a child and was called down for something, I wonder if my parents would have accepted an excuse of "different version of the truth’?
The other question is what scheme they have concocted to manipulate this interview process. Nunes gets to be the referee?
Giuliani Wants Trump To Interview With Mueller: ‘It Makes My Client Happy’
That’s what the kids call “win-win.”
Giuliani reportedly voiced a recurring team Trump concern that talking to Mueller would be a “perjury trap” for the President, since “truth is relative” and “they may have a different version of the truth than we do.”
Well, well, well.
And even more amusing would be to have Newt Gingrich say it.
Giuliani reportedly voiced a recurring team Trump concern that talking to Mueller would be a “perjury trap” for the President, since “truth is relative” and “they may have a different version of the truth than we do.”
Yeah, the Mueller team’s version of the truth is the reality-based, fact-based, evidence-based, non-“relative” kind of truth.
You know … THE TRUTH. Not some trumped-up lies.
It amazes me that they’re still letting Giuliani talk.
Giuliani has been making conflicting statements about whether he talks to Trump at all, and the stuff he claims the Mueller people are saying to him seems fanciful as well. At this point there’s no reason to believe he’s acting as Trump’s lawyer or that anything he says has any relation to reality. Strikes me as pure disinformation. You look in the Putin playbook, it’s all there.
I’ve always believed Dump wanted to do this interview. He’s a deluded narcissist who’s totally sure he can bully and bullshit his way out of anything. Of course he wants to play his con man dominance games with Meuller. The poor stupid crazy moron.
Giuliani is like a whirling dervish, but without the balance.
I’m not sure who is the bigger nut job, Trump or Giuliani.
Roy Cohn without the charm.
[Giuliani] believes Trump’s tweets have been “effective” at turning public opinion against Mueller’s probe.
Does he know what he’s saying?
Giuliani is developing a relativistic theory of truth. It may be relative, but is absolute with respect to a single observer, which is Mueller, not Trump.
You have a client with a small dick and huuge ego that loves to be in the limelight spewing his bs and being striked by the cheers of the crowd.
And we knew you were an idiot from the past but now have to hear your bs again because of your client throwing you back on us.
Giuliani reportedly voiced a recurring team Trump concern that talking to Mueller would be a “perjury trap” for the President, since “truth is relative” and “they may have a different version of the truth than we do.”
Yeah, riiiight. “Because when we say “up”, we really mean “down”…and when we say “yes” we really mean “no”.” Got it?
WTF is this unhinged blowhard blabbing about now? He has admitted he hasn’t even met with tRump in two weeks. Is this so tRump can then use what he says when he agrees with his tactics, and also be able to claim deniability that he authorized certain remarks when its not something to his liking? This is a sick effort being perpetrated on the public by scoundrels. If this is public relations, its intention is to run roughshod over truth, justice and the American legal system.
Ghouliani is doing what amounts to doublespeak in order to work the propaganda machine for this administration. It more closely resembles the histrionics of Tokyo Rose, Lord Haw-Haw, and Hanoi Hannah, only fuckers like Rudy LIE compulsively to the citizens of their own country without any compunction or recognition of a conscience. Once again, this is the very definition of Gaslighting. “Alternative facts” has now become “truth is relative”.
Even Plato from his grave is shaking his head this morning, and wishes people would quit trying to be so philosophical. I mean really, what is TRUTH? Shut up. Shut Up. SHUT UP!
I thought he said yesterday that he hadn’t talked to tRump in a coupla weeks.
Is it just me or is Giulliani throwing trump under the bus? This is just all too surreal.
Yes–he’s like the legal equivalent of a grenade with the pin pulled.
“truth is relative” and “they may have a different version of the truth than we do.”
…and these jerks are in ‘control’ of the USofA. It makes my blood curdle.