Discussion for article #233528
Now you know how the Dixie Chicks felt.
Well, I have never threatened Mr. Giuliani’s life. But if he would like to take the time to come down here to West Tennessee, right outside of Paris, I will gladly and mightily kick him in his shriveled, raisin-sized balls. On national TV. And Keith Olbermann doing play by play. With a marching band in the background playing, “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”. And confetti!!!
Wait - Giuliani has an office??
A few measly death threats shouldn’t bother a tough-ass security stud like Rudy.
Unless maybe, just maybe, there’s a whiny-ass titty baby under that steely demeanor?
Giuliani…you were mayor of New York City…why are you whining about getting death threats. Come on here…you probably got death threats from New Yorkers on a daily basis. If you’ve got this thin a skin, maybe you should consider a quiet life doing something quiet like sitting on a porch in Alabama yelling at black kids to get off your lawn!
In your dreams Rudy. Don’t flatter yourself. You are not worth the cost of a bullet.
Please keep spouting your ignorant BS.
Your political “enemies” don’t want you dead. Every time you open your stupid mouth, your “enemies” collect more cash. Keep talking.
BTW, has anyone interviewed his latest wife?? or adult children?? lately.
I’m trying to figure out who could possibly give Rudy enough merit to give a rat’s posterior about what he thinks about anything let alone threaten him over his musings.
I don’t believe it.
Sorry, but I don’t believe you, Rudy. Death threats for speaking your opinion about the president only come from the Right. They’re the ones with the guns, remember?
Rudy, you should have known that those America-hatin’ Negro Communists were a touchy bunch.
Probably from Republicans for creating this ridiculous situation.
Inviting them much?
Oh, I feel so bad for him. He attacks the President of the United States for not loving his country, then accuses him of being a communist, and he’s shocked that people threatened him?
Imagine if that had been said about Bush? The outrage on the right would have been astonishing.
Giuliani told CNN’s Jim Acosta that while most of the feedback he got
was positive, his secretary answered the phone to a few death threats.
Yes, probably some concerned associates called to tell him: “Rudy, shit can your act; you’re dyin’ out there!”
From the Official Rudy Giuliani Website (pap alert)
“Nothing builds confidence in a leader more the willingness to take responsibility for what happens during his watch.” His Honor.
See: 911, New York City, on Rudy’s watch
See: US Domestic & Foreign Policy, overall improvements, on Pres. Obama’s watch
Since he is now essentially a non-entity impotent political relic - How did they find him?
… and when his ex-wives & children tell him to go to Hell - he can’t count that as a death threat!
Gosh, Rudy, welcome to a tiny sliver of Obama’s life, you sniveling little coward. Your 15 minutes is up, dude. Just go away, ok?
Uh huh. And has the FBI gotten reports from him with the specific instances? Or is he just exaggerating this for the sake of keeping his name in the news one more pathetic day.
Yeeah, riiiight. Oh wait, if Jindal backed it up, it must be true! Jindal answering his phones now, or what?
Anyone seen ReiNCe PReBuS lately?