Discussion: Giuliani Predicts Decision On Trump-Mueller Interview As Soon As This Week

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Well, I have my own prediction, which is that some bright shining day people will wake up and realize Giuliani is a kind of organ-grinder’s monkey who isn’t meant to be taken seriously as “the president’s lawyer” or in any other way. He’s there to divert you for a moment with his antics.


“There is a sort of area of questioning and a group of restrictions on it that we could live with, I think,” Giuliani said. “We have an outstanding offer to them. They haven’t responded in about a week to 10 days. I don’t hold that against them.”

If the offer is worded and laid out anything like Trump’s tweets or Rudy’s ramblings, no one will ever be able to make sense of it.

I’m sure the subpoena has been drafted; Emmett Flood has done his work to prepare to fight it, or talk Trump into what kind of deal he can realistically make to do an interview and avoid the subpoena. Trump may or may not take the advice, depending on about 20 things other than rational thought and consideration. And Trump will go on a tweet-storm no matter what happens - either criticizing Mueller or congratulating himself for whatever ends up happening.


Rudolph, l’effettuazione scimmia sfacciata

He doesn’t meet with his “client” - yet he claims some mysterious authority.

He doesn’t meet with Robert Mueller, yet he walks right up to and slobbers all over the notion that they’ve met in parlay, in which lines were drawn and offers made.

And practically every big media news organization reports his confabulations as “news”, indistinguishable from things that actually happened in any ways remotely as he imp lies.


The ONLY way Trump will be interviewed by the Special Counsel is in response to a subpoena. As screwed up as Trump is, he REALLY fears Mueller. Even Trumps ego cowers at the mention of his name.


This, of course, is the problem with the article. Giuliani cannot even mange stopped-watch accuracy. In a way, they have already made their decision — they don’t want Trump anywhere near Mueller. The problem is trying to sell that idea without just looking like cowards who are hiding something. (That is particularly difficult since they are in fact cowards who are indeed hiding something.)


I’m going to suggest the newsies know it’s nonsense. But it’s not in the culture of American media to just say so. If they wanted they could list his many contradictions, reversals, and suppositions that didn’t pan out. But the deeper problem is the POTUS is pathological liar and fantasist, and yet he is the POTUS. What he and his minions say is news, whether it’s nonsense or not. So they feel themselves trapped, like respectable parents sitting with pained, sad smiles as their besotted daughter marries a man everyone knows is a fake and a scam artist. They know the deal, but they go through the ritual because they don’t see a way out. I argue with people who say it’s deliberately complicit, but there’s not much doubt it’s a massive case of a hidebound institution failing to cope with radical change.


I know! I know!
Spanky will offer to read a statement to the grand jury and not answer any questions. When this is rejected, Spanky will tell everyone that he offered to tell all, but Mueller, that rotten lib, refused to accept his offer.


Just so it’s on pay per view. I would actually get cable for the first time in my life, if it was.


Has “a noun, a verb, 9/11” Giuliani ever made an accurate prediction?

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After all the crazy bullshit he spews, I forgot he is actually considered one of twitler’s real lawyers! I’d be terrified if I engaged him (and was too impotent to fire him).

How about if Mueller just issues Trump a subpeona? Trump can refuse to show, or show up and take the fifth, or sit and answer whatever Mueller asks, objecting here and there by citing whatever applicable exclusion he and his lawyers feel is appropriate? If he insists on pre-conditions and Mueller balks let the courts settle it. It would be nice to know once and for all if the President is above the law.

Also, Kavanaugh et al constantly cite as their chief objection to a President becoming entangled in a legal battle the distraction and time consuming nature of the proceedings. Trump famously spends a great deal of time on the golf course, and when not golfing sort of just lounging around his various resorts. I’d love to see his lawyers have to respond to Mueller’s invoking of this leisure time Trump flaunts when when they attempt to argue Trump’s non-Presidenting time is limited and too valuable to be spent giving depositions.

Ghouliani also predicts the Mueller probe will be over by last Thanksgiving, last Christmas or the first of this year at the latest.

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My prediction is no, if his advisers have anything to do with it. I don’t think anyone surrounding Donald is as dumb as he is and know he’s too dumb to allow doing this. Especially without someone right next to him telling him how to answer, if at all. Plus to keep track of what he said 2 minutes earlier.

Giuliani for Trump:

…the president may be open to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller even if …
…conditions for an interview…
…limited to questions involving…
… a group of restrictions on it that we could live with, I think,…
…we might consider a few questions in that area also.

My preschool grandchild:

“I will eat one more bite of [dinner] if you give me ice cream.”
“I will pick up the blocks if you give me ________.”
“If we go swimming first, I will let you wash my hair.”

Much the same and with as much validity.

“But, you know, we might consider a few questions in that area also.”

A deluded fool representing a deluded fool.

Rudy Giuliani joins Trump legal team, hopes to end Russia probe in ‘a week or two’
By Bob Fredericks ***April 19, 2018***

Rudy Giuliani said Thursday that he will join President Trump’s legal team and hopes to bring an end to the special counsel’s investigation into Russian election meddling in “a week or two.”

“I’m going to join the legal team to try to bring this to a resolution,” Giuliani told The Post.

“The country deserves it. I’ve got great admiration for President Trump.

“I’ve had a long relationship with Bob Mueller. I have great respect for him. He’s done a good job.”

Giuliani, a former US Attorney, served as New York City’s mayor when Mueller was the FBI director.

***“I don’t know yet what’s outstanding. But I don’t think it’s going to take more than a week or two to get a resolution. They’re almost there.***

“I’m going to ask Mueller, ‘What do you need to wrap it up?’” he said.


Oh , Dear TRudy , doesn*t really matter , Dumpy lies regardless . ( Has done since the day after he was hatched ) .

I miss the days when #4 was the biggest traitor I had to worry about.

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Dick…Agree…And with what Mueller has garnished during his team’s months of interviews…Emails…tapes…Trump tax returns, etc. Mueller has more than enough
To make his case. The interview would serve as a courtesy to Trump, and the frosting on the cake. It’s not as big a deal as most think. Trump’s team will have failed him miserably if he gets within 100 feet of Mueller’s interrogation team