Discussion: Giuliani: I Didn't Receive Leak On Clinton Probe From Active FBI Agent

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just so credible


“I haven’t talked to an on-duty FBI agent”

Translation, off duty FBI agent leaked it to me, who got it from someone who is on-duty.


He’s very carefully parsing his words.


Rudy is the White House clown and professional liar.

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“I never got a leaked information from any FBI agent,” he said.

“I got it from a retired FBI agent,” he continued, “who, of course, got it from an active one.”

Then he drank the blood of a refugee child, wiped his behind with an American flag, and retreated to his crypt.


Ah, so a former FBI agent cut-out/pass-through… from active FBI agents int he NYO office.

Got it.


Stealing this.

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If you believe Rudy Giuliani, you have failed your basic cognitive test. Please report to Soylent Green Industries.


The FBI interviewed Guliani earlier this year regarding his knowledge of the leaks according to Guliani himself. I suppose that means there is currently an on-going investigation, as there should be.

Also, Nunes has already admitted to receiving leaks from FBI agents -without the parsing. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if Rudy lied somewhere along the way to FBI agents. Sometimes the greater the knowledge and experience you have in a particularly specialized area, the greater the arrogance.


There’s this bridge in Brooklyn that’s for sale …

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After asserting on Tuesday he was never leaked information from an FBI agent, Giuliani said “we knew it would blow up,” referring to himself and former FBI agents he’d spoken to.

“We knew it would blow up. We knew just by instinct that the New York office was enraged by what Comey had done,” he said.

“Nobody told us anything, either me or any former FBI agents I know. We were just paying casual attention to the story, and were sitting around one day shooting the shit when we kind of all said at once ‘This is going to blow up’ and then we started talking about the Yankees or 9/11 or something. So nobody from Mr. Mueller’s team needs to waste their time interviewing me or especially any former FBI agents about this again. OK?”


This is laughable. A traitorous cabal of current and former New York FBI agents leak information to Giuliani and he’s resting his case on claiming that it was a former agent, not a current agent, who gave him the info. Lock them all up.


What does “on-duty” even mean for an FBI agent. I can’t decide whether he’s lying outright or whether he and his leakers used a cutout. His history allows either possibility.


Exactly. Rudy was a US Attorney in NY and knows a shitload (intentional word choice) of retired FBI fellow travelers, now retired, that have maintained contact with active fellow travelers. There are no secrets.


Didn’t Guliani essentially admit the the NY FBI office had a visceral hatred of Hillary Clinton? How else would he know that they would be upset by Comey’s actions? Also, how could the retired FBI agents just ‘off the cuff’ speculate that emails would show up on Anthony Weiner’s computer?


This carefully worded comment from Rudy Giuliani reinforces my view that he was recruited by and working for the Russians. He got the information directly from his FSB handlers.
Remember, Rudy has also worked on behalf of the wahabbi sunni countries that supplied nearly all of the terrorists involved in 9-11 and other attacks. He has made a fortune whoring out his so-called credentials of being around as New York mayor on 9-11 even if that means working with America’s enemies.

The 2016 election, vote tallies and its outcome were rigged and manipulated.


If only there were tapes … oh right, of course there are.

Wipe that smirk off your face, Gouhliani.

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So the leak was laundered, much like the money paying Giuliani’s fees.


Rudy knew details based entirely on “instinct.” “That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball.” I call bullshit.