Discussion: Giuliani: DOJ Briefings Could Hasten Trump-Mueller Interview 'Considerably'

30 minutes??? There isnā€™t a gif in the world that expresses enough chortling for this comment.


Most important, ā€˜What did the informant produce?ā€™ā€

IANALIRL, but I am pretty sure itā€™s called evidence, and that youā€™re not entitled to it.


Disney had a series of films in the Sixties in which there was always a scene where an animal ran around and caused hilarious mayhem in a store or something. Shelves falling over, all that. Thatā€™s about what Rudyā€™s role is, I think. Itā€™s not lawyering. Heā€™s just there to create confusion. Thereā€™s no reason to believe a word he says or think heā€™s actually doing anything practical.



He feels weā€™re on offense now.

The classic reply is to point out that the best defense is a good offense

However, I am inclined to believe we have a transcription errorā€¦ the statement was:

He feels weā€™re offensive now.


ā€œWe want to see how the briefing went today and how much we learned from it,ā€ Giuliani told Politico. ā€œIf we learned a good deal from it, it will shorten that whole process considerably.ā€

Well, you didnā€™t learn anything from it other than that the FBIā€™s reasons and process for initiating and conducting the investigation were legitimate and based on solid evidence and concern. But, you knew that already. So, I guess Trump and Nunes have gotta come up with an additional line of attacking the FBI, DOJ and Mueller in order to delay and discredit the process some more.


I think of these briefings as providing the answers to the quiz beforehand. His staff think if they know the answers and feed them to Trump beforehand, then he will pass the test. But he is impulsive and verbose. Even if he knows the answers, he wonā€™t stick to them.


IG has a report coming out in June on FBIā€™s handling of Lā€™Affaire Clinton which Iā€™m sure will be another inflection point in our journey.


Indeed he could be his own Seinfeld 'Yada Yada Yada" episode .
You can insert that phrase for everything that emanates from his pie hole .
Not a person to be taken seriously

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Rudy and company are like little kids trying to grasp and play adultā€™s games. And are so demented that they actually think itā€™s all going as they planned.
Itā€™s crazy to watch.

Famous last words.

So, itā€™s safe to say he could be known as the clown in this circus.

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Well heā€™s one of the clowns, and possibly the most purely clownish, but they all beclown themselves pretty much constantly. It would be simpler to point out the few people in Trumpā€™s world who even hope to present themselves as serious. Kelly gave up hope long ago, so that leavesā€“give me a minuteā€¦


Need help?
Here, you pick.

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He reportedly added that he had given the President a 30-minute crash courseā€¦

Wow Donald sat and listened that long? And what an appropriate name for the lesson as I do indeed feel like Donald will in fact, crashā€¦bigley!

Because we all know that when Rudolph Giuliani was Alphonse Dā€™Amatoā€™s handpicked US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, his office routinely gave subjects and targets briefings of the evidence before they decided to sit down and answer questions.

And the idea of senile, role- poly, drunk Rudy Giuilani having to give senile, roly-poly, guilty as sin Donald Trump a 30 minute crash course on any topic is a gift to future generations of comedians and satirists.


Iā€™m just wondering when a week or two starts?

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Trump needs a pacifier.

ā€œHis mood was excellent,ā€ Giuliani told Politico. ā€œHe feels weā€™re on offense now.ā€

Wait five minutes.

ā€œIf we learned a good deal from it, it will shorten that whole process considerably.ā€

You think it means ā€œPOTUS will meet with Special Counsel.ā€

He means ā€œInvestigation ends.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t want the guyā€™s identity."

At this point everyone knows the guyā€™s identity.

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