Discussion: Giuliani Demands Cuomo Apologize For ‘Falsely Accusing’ Trump Of Collusion

Trump has lied to the country over 9,000 times. He can start apologizing for the 9,000 lies. They received help and requested help from the Russians. We all know this.

Did Trump not call Hillary “crooked” and they chanted “lock her up” after the FBI did not recommend charges for her email server.

2 sets of rules here…

If Rudy has the report he can release it and then we’ll decide.


Never thought I could feel like I’d forgive a man for punching an elderly person in the face, but…


Let them show their spite and vengefulness in spades. Let Lindsay Graham start his McCarthy hunt into “treasonous” FBI personnel. It will not turn out well. In fact, I predict it will backfire HUGELY. However, it is the ultimate wedge issue for his base. Have at it, guys. We’ll plod along with healthcare, affordable wages and housing, and voter reform.

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And just how is Lindsey going to ever explain to Donald why it was he who told McCain to give the dossier to the FBI?


They want the people to believe that the report by Namby and summary by Pamby means this is over. With the House committees in full swing, we’re just getting warmed up. I never trusted Mueller, but I trust Schiff and his colleagues to tear down Trump until he’s ruined.

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Because Lindsey just wanted a copy of the tape, for, ummmmm, research purposes.

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These people are going to be even more unbearable for the next two decades, at least.


Which may be surprising, given how much experience we have setting up bad Third-World dictatorships.


The apology should be for colluding with Russians to sway the 2016 election. He may have grabbed Mueller by his -----, but it isn’t working on many of us. He did precisely what he’s been accused of and the truth is in plain sight.

When will it sink in that the Seychelles meeting and the Trump Tower meeting were real? Kushner and his “back channel” to the Kremlin, physically located in a Russian facility? Nope, nothing to see there.


Tell them Obama thinks it should be kept secret.

Might peel off more than a few votes.

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The bad third-world dictatorships are having their revenge.


Giuliani should go back to doing something he’s good at, i.e. drag. No! Wait! He’s not even good at that! He should just go into hiding and shut up.

If that’s a terrible thing to say, why am I laughing?

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What part of " report does not exonerate Trump " is Rudy struggling with…how does spinning the unspinnable benefit the President who tells demonstrable lies every day?

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It’s time to start demanding that if Trump won’t release the full Muller report, he should at least release his long-form birth certificate.


Well, you can’t forgive him if he doesn’t first do it.

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Shit, if he’d just call in to CNN and announce that, for National Security reasons, he’s opposed to that report ever being released, we’d have a copy before he could finish speaking.

If he followed that up by calling Trump the greatest president ever, McTurtle would have 100 votes for conviction before Pelosi even had a chance to bring charges.

And if he finished by announcing that he’s opposed to birth control and abortion rights, Hobby Lobby would offer while-u-wait abortions in tents in their parking lots by that afternoon.


OK, so maybe I was mistaken.

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Hey Rudy, when will you start acting like an American and defend the nation Vs defending trump?

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