Fun times…
Yeah? Right after Donnie and YOU ‘apologize’ for all the FAKE NEWS BS YOU’VE been spewing…or how about apologizing for the anti-Mueller crap? Or just fking lying all the damn time?
The fact that Republicans are dead set against releasing the full report says everything.
We’ve fully devolved into a parody of a bad third-world dictatorship…
Cuomo should apologize for giving this organ-grinder’s monkey a national platform to jabber and gesticulate on. Pathetic.
The first 20 minutes of Morning Joe was wild this morning! Joe’s normally over-the-top way felt good this morning and was fun to watch.
Thursday’s Nazi rally in Michigan should be exquisite. Shall we start a betting pool on how many media people get killed or injured?
Chris should have grabbed his finger and broke it .
Not quite everything… the fact that Trump let this drooling fool out of the TV-dungeon adds some context. They think it’s all over and done with and Trumplandia is all hunky-dory and the entirety of the threat has passed. It’s useful to know that they believe this extremely wrong thing.
Grand Rapids.
I nominate Alan Grayson to apologize on behalf of us Dems:
Hope the reporters bring their kevlar, might want to hire some Blackwater mercs for protection, too.
Barr’s letter about Mueller’s report did NOT exonerate Trump on obstruction of justice!
No Witch Hunt can exonerate Trump since it’s a witch hunt!
Instead, the Biggest Mythomaniac needs to apologize to the world for ALL the lies, insults and bigotry he has done - PERIOD!
Didn’t see the interview. Did Cuomo do the smart thing and point out to Giuliani that Trump was too chickenshit and cowardly to testify under oath about his conduct in the campaign and shortly thereafter? Thus depriving Mueller of a complete, accurate account of what truly transpired?
Didn’t think so.
Trump has lied to the country over 9,000 times. He can start apologizing for the 9,000 lies. They received help and requested help from the Russians. We all know this.
Did Trump not call Hillary “crooked” and they chanted “lock her up” after the FBI did not recommend charges for her email server.
2 sets of rules here…
If Rudy has the report he can release it and then we’ll decide.
Never thought I could feel like I’d forgive a man for punching an elderly person in the face, but…
Let them show their spite and vengefulness in spades. Let Lindsay Graham start his McCarthy hunt into “treasonous” FBI personnel. It will not turn out well. In fact, I predict it will backfire HUGELY. However, it is the ultimate wedge issue for his base. Have at it, guys. We’ll plod along with healthcare, affordable wages and housing, and voter reform.