Is there still time to prove trumpian abuse of classified information before Tuesday? If so, Rudey is probably a key.
So when will the FBI start questioning the FBI officials who told the former FBI officials who told Giulaini?
This is like how the mob never existed when JEH ran the FBI right?
“Lock him up. Lock him up.” Surely this is evidence of confidential federal information handled improperly?
Ghouliani: “We’ve got a couple of things up our sleeve that should turn this thing around."
I can assure you their “sleeve” was not the place from which they pulled it.
"The most emotional and primitive person in the room commands the most attention." the election is rigged.
I so hope he has that same smile I saw on his face on FOX talking about this if Hillary wins on 11/8. That creeped me out.
Giuliani is the leader of the FBI brown shirts.
Panic spreading Rude-y just can’t stop running around screaming 9-1-1.
It’s nice to see that the former prosecutor is so helpfully providing first-hand evidence for his upcoming conspiracy trial. Way to go, Rudy.
WTF happened to basic journalism? Former mayor and former prosecutor, key word being former, says he heard a rumor from some former, key word being former, agents. So by definition it’s third hand heresay at best. It’s more likely fifth or seventh hand heresay, based on the way disgruntled fucks behave when they’re butt hurt they didn’t get their way. And they just report it like it must be true? Because they want it to be true so badly they’ll grasp an any made up bullshit.
“Did I hear about it? You’re darn right I heard about it, and I can’t even repeat the language that I heard from the former FBI agents.”
He can’t repeat it because it went something like: “which drop point did you use for the payment this week?” and “My guys want to know what specific jobs Trump is promising?”
It shouldn’t be too difficult for the FBI to figure out which agents are leaking information - they are the ones with the “Hillary for Prison” buttons. If Comey has any control left, he should be looking to investigate/indict/imprison those in his agency who put their politics above their country.
Let us not forget that James Comey was also based in New York. He is well connected with the New York alt-right and Trump circle. I would not be surprised if George T Conway and his law firm were not part of this FBI conspiracy to steal the election. Looks like there has been active coordination between the alt-right elements in the FBI and alt-right folks running the Trump campaign.
I wonder if Trumps campaign knew this was coming when they shifted gears saying the election was rigged? I mean what better cover to accuse your opponent of rigging the election when your plan all along was to rig it?
And if Giulani knew about, you know this information was passed to others on the right (the Trump campaign for sure) ahead of the Comey letter so that they would be ready to exploit it before the Democrats could marshal a response.
Hey now…it’s only fair that the FBI should have a turn selecting a Republican President as the last one was selected by the Supreme Court.