I dont care what they say.
Thanks for your input, Rudy, a purveyor of perversions–you would know, wouldn’t you? More seriously, Mueller must testify in public.
White House: “See, we’re exonerated. Move on, people.” Rudy G: “It’s a perverted joint attack by the media and Mueller on Trump!”
Rudy’s off script again. Way off.
Baghdad Jay
As word salads go, that one was particularly rancid.
Giuliani Calls Mueller Remarks On Obstruction A ‘Perversion!’
Anderson Cooper called Rudy Trump’s “legal whoopie cushion”.
Whatever you think of Cooper, you must give him major props for that one!
Well something’s been perverted, all right. But it’s not coming from Mueller.
Giuliani is such a f*cking tool. He has no idea what he’s doing to his reputation, as mixed as it was. He’s just spouting bullsh!t which frankly isn’t doing his client any favors.
A perversion! Kinda like grabbing women by their genitals without their permission and walking in the dressing rooms of teenage beauty contestants so you can sneak a peek.
Or having sex with Rudy Giuliani, which is not only a perversion, it’s just really fucking sad.
You, old snaggle toothed, yuck mouthed, bastard. If you think this is a perversion, just imagine how you’d feel if this came out a week and a half before an election?
“That’s the law. A sitting president can’t be charged.”
No, it’s an OLC opinion. It’s not the law. Just like It’s my opinion that Rudy should have a liter of boiling nitric acid injected into his femoral artery.
Giuliani is demented rat, but Sekulow is a disciplined one.
As my mother would say were she still among us: Rudy couldn’t find the script (or his ass), in an empty room with both hands and no time limit.
All true, but what a pathetic response from Rudy. “My guy is not guilty because it’s unconstitutional to charge him even if he did it.” That’s some real weak tea.
I guess it is a perversion of justice is what Giuliani is saying.
So, if Donnie two scoops wants to clear his name then he can step down from the Presidency, ask the DOJ to charge him if appropriate and clear his name in court.
My point here, hiding your criminal liability behind the skirts of GOP obstruction and DOJ policy for the President is the perversion here. Of course, the House should address that issue.
You know Mueller’s statement really hit the mark, because Rudy’s not springboarding off it to stammer “No collusion! No obstruction!”