Discussion for article #224512
Gee, all 3 women voted against it - all 5 Catholic males voted for it. Moving the US one step more backward to the fantasy of what 'Murica used to be (white, male, racist, perfect.)
Talk about a slippery slope.
The “conservative” wing of the S.Ct. is so activist in its rulings that they are really seeking to reshape the US into a place that is unrecognizable. Pvt corporations now have it better than churches. They can impose their religious beliefs on employees and they can make unlimited donations to the political causes and politicians of their choice. And they get to make lots of money that they can hide overseas so they don’t have to pay those burdensome taxes.
The good life.
Next up:
God says I don’t have to pay taxes!
God says it’s OK that I shot my neighbor dead!
God told us to dump that toxic waste there!
The SCOTUS has possibly just rendered all of our laws invalid.
And after that…
My God says I don’t have to hire/serve niggers because they’re beneath the White man.
My God also says that I don’t have to promote women to higher positions in my company because they’re beneath the White man.
Well, I know one thing.
The motive to vote just became supercharged.
Not so much a reaction here, but at least the union busting decision is covered.
Salon people are energized, very, very energized.
The supremes are the Catholic Caliphate
You would wonder if SCOTUS would have ruled that way if the owners were muslim or buddhist.
Corporate feudal system, here we come.
Majority opinion of the SCOTUS: Corporate bosses can now impose their misogynistic, dogmatic religious beliefs onto their (often minimum wage-earning) employees*.
*but only if said business owners are of the Christian faith.
I agree with you, Joan. I think SCOTUS just provided the motivation for our side to get out and vote in Nov. Of those Dems who are still on the fence about voting Dem due to some kind of purity issue, they were never gong to be convinced anyway.
Seems to me this won’t help their cause in the long run. On the other hand, stupidity and hatred run deep when belief is what runs you, but it generally doesn’t seem to get them to where they want to go. Just more muck and mire. If my religion is life in the moment, should my beliefs dictate yours? Complete and total intellectual dishonesty is not good for anyone. It is only what it is, an opinion, dogma and in this case politically motivated. We’re back to the Inquisition with this.
G-d save us from election years, especially mid-terms.
Without doubt, the biggest winner in this decision isn’t Hobby Lobby or the Christian freaks. No, for better or worse, the real winner emerging from this decision is Hillary Rodham Clinton. I can’t think of a bigger campaign contribution than the one the SCOTUS just gave Hillary. American’s women have gotten the message loud and clear and 2016 will be epic.
The best part of Ginsburg’s opinion has to be the beat-down she gave on the “this counts only for contraception” bit (Dissent at 33-34)…
Would the exemption the Court holds RFRA demands for employers with religiously grounded objections to the use of certain contraceptives extend to employers with religiously grounded objections to blood transfusions (Jehovah’s Witnesses); antidepressants (Scientologists); medications derived from pigs, including anesthesia, intravenous fluids, and pills coated with gelatin (certain Muslims, Jews, and Hindus); and vaccinations (Christian Scientists, among others)? According to counsel for Hobby Lobby, “each one of these cases… would have to be evaluated on its own… applying the compelling interest-least restrictive alternative test.” Not much help there for the lower courts bound by today’s decision. The Court, however, sees nothing to worry about. Today’s cases, the Court concludes, are “concerned solely with the contraceptive mandate…"
Alito’s response? “Meh.” (Opinion at 45-49.)
Any honest observer would be unable to distinguish between religious objections to contraception (on one hand) and transfusions or immunizations (on the other). But, then, we don’t need honest observers anymore.
She is dead right and those old, white catholic guys are dead wrong. A depressing day for women in the U.S. They rail against even the notion of “sharia law” while doing their damned best to institute christian law here.
Appalling on about a 1000 levels.
Stunning…men determining once again the rights of a woman.
It is difficult to find appropriate words.
No, I don’t wonder at all. Their religion is more equal than any other.
Can’t wait to see what happens when the first Muslim-owned business tries to impose Sharia law on its employees using this ruling as justification.
I hope you’re right.
I made up my mind a very long time ago that she gets my vote and am ignoring the campaign . I think it would be just the ticket to have Hillary as Pres. Elizabeth Warren as V.P. then the women of this country could make sure that a woman is at the helm for the next 16 years. Because it does come down to the S.C.