Discussion: Ginsburg Released From Hospital After Surgery To Remove Cancerous Nodules

Now if we could only remove the cancerous nodules from the Oval Trailer.


Cue Trump tweeting some odious anti-RBG screed. She needs to retire, or will be dead soon, or isn’t up to the job. Some stupid, noxious bullshit his base will lap up and assure him of the next 24 hours of news hits he thrives on.

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This marks the THIRD time now The
Notorious RBG has beaten the Big C.

Damn…I would not want to have to appear in front of this woman for sentencing.

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I’m first in line if she needs blood, a lung, a kidney, whatever…

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She is one tough lady. I wish her the very best. My hubby gave me a biography of her for Christmas!

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She will bury us all