Discussion: Gingrich On Cruz Flameout: What A ‘Funny’ Speech For An Ivy League Grad

Gingrich told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he had read the pre-released text of Cruz’s speech and “thought it was funny.”

So everyone was surprised by Cruz’s comments when, in fact, he was just reading from his pre-released text (which the Newt “thought was funny”)? It sounds like he was actually a bit of a ringer, to get the crowd fired up. A textbook WWF move.

Boy are they going to be surprised when they discover that, despite the pre-released calendar and the predictability of the days of the week, tomorrow is Thursday.


Not to defend the super-SOB Ted Cruz. But seems like Gingrich’s still resentful that he was only admitted to a fourth rate state college in the middle of Redneckia .


When Newt Gingrich has to explain a joke to you, it wasn’t funny.


“Funny peculiar or Funny Ha-Ha ?”

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Cruz at one point urged the audience to vote “your conscience” for someone who would follow the Constitution.


I guess Newt isn’t as forgiving about being passed over as Trump might have hoped. Who would think such a man could have a vindictive side?