Discussion: Gillibrand Hopes Ryan's Family-Time Requirement Will Be 'Replicated' For All

Discussion for article #242576

Ryan will never see the disconnect between his ‘need’ for family time and the need of others for the same benefit…

it requires empathy and some identification with people that he clearly lacks… he seems to consider himself special and above the fray…

he believes the AynRand crap about special people deserving special benefits…

as if ‘working’ @120 days a year is especially demanding and much much harder than people working 60 hour weeks with no additional compensation or people working two jobs at minimum wage in order to survive…


his stance on family leave will steadfastly remain simply a self absorbed view of justifiable personal privilege - and only for a highly select few… and certainly not for peasants.


It won’t do any good to hope for the best with this guy…He is paid by the corporations to represent their interests…and that is what he will do…I hold out no hope for our nation, until the gop is thrown out of power…and that is going to be difficult, in this environment…We know the gop will not govern…yet here they are…

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"He is paid by the corporations to represent their interests " - BINGO!!!
Paul Ryan is an unmitigated, opportunistic whore who will use his position to amass the largest pile of wealth conceivable - through any means necessary - it is all about him!

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“Family Values” Ryan. Here is the opportunity to make the Republican party more relevant to working people by simply letting them spend more time with their family. A lot of working people are busting ass to find ways to parent their children into a better life. It’s amazing how much effort Republicans expend to make damn sure this will never happen.


Ryan wants to destroy Social Security, although that didn’t stop him from collecting after his father died. As you can see, Ryan is very much a “Do as I say, not as I do” kinda guy.


Chile please! Family time is not for lazy working class people who work multiple low wage jobs, and put in 18 hour work days. Family time is for career politicians that went to school on the taxpayers dime, and maintain a six figure salary while working 180 days out of the calendar year.


The hypocrite also want to do away with Social Security… (having received benefits himself as a young man as his father passed away)

That’s so old hat that it hardly even gets brought up anymore, why would anyone think he will see the hypocrisy here, regarding family leave.

By all means we should tweak him and his party on it though.

Leaving only 185 days of family time…

He’s got it tough…

Mr. Ryan is selfish. What he gets you cannot have. He displays this personality quite openly in his budget.

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It’s hard out here for a pimp! LOL

I feel you Senator,but Ryan IMO would probably assume that us everyday folks don’t or haven’t earned enough for the same recognition that he espouses for his family.

Ryan: I am against Family Leave legislation. I want to give others opportunity to work hard while I take time off. Rich and powerful people should be mandated to go on long vacation so others can get the opportunity to work. I will support such legislation.


Well said Rep. Gillibrand! Paul Ryan is a fellow who, but for a short stint one summer driving the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile, never held a job outside of government in his entire government-assisted life. He has, ironically, made a career of wagging his finger at ‘Big Gummit’ takers, the poor who would like simple sustenance wages and ‘slackers’ who just won’t work. And NOW he has the gall to demand “family time” for himself from a job, as with all Congresscritters, gives him 230+ days a year OFF!

Fu*k You, Paul Ryan…you government taker, slacker and grifter who just wants free stuff.

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            "I got mine"  ----  "Screw you guys"  ---
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The House will be in session just 111 days in 2016, the lowest number of days in decades, but they won’t be with the family, they’ll be rattling their tin cups to get reelected citing their thoughtful and caring work on behalf of their constituents.

Like that will ever happen. He’s from the con/bag school of “I got mine, the rest of you can go screw”, ideology.

Oh man, I just said the same exact thing.

Great minds clunker.

rAyn calls this home. It’s the 6-bedroom $400,000. mansion in Janesville that was built by Paul Parker the inventor of the fountain pen.

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