Discussion: Gillibrand Campaign Says ‘No Question’ Poor Fundraising Due To Franken Stance

Gillibrand Campaign Says ‘No Question’ Poor Fundraising Due To Franken Stance

I’ll have to ask them how they know this.


That’s the big/only reason? There’s a list of 20 candidates out there, we can’t give to everyone which means we have to pick who we like best…you’re very low on my list!


Her persecution of Franken was disqualifying. Someone without the perspective to see the difference between light comedy and dark tragedy deserves no place at the table.


Gosh, I didn’t know I was a top donor.


My guess is that donors have told them so.

My wife wouldn’t vote for Gillibrand if she were the only candidate on the ballot. If some disaster happens and Gillibrand is on the Democratic ticket next year I expect she will vote third party even if it means enabling Trumplethinskin.

I’m almost as adamant in my opposition to Gillibrand.


Maybe it’s because she actually tried to use her Franken Stance (Frahnken Stance) to fund raise…loud and proud…it just seemed an odd choice.


I don’t get the point of such a response without any further comments from Gillibrand. I mean, she could have used it as a chance to clarify or state something.


Well, she would say that, wouldn’t she?

(h/t Mandy Rice-Davies )


Exactly. She jumped on a minor transgression (a failed attempt at humor) to eliminate a rival and a major Democratic voice. This poor judgment absolutely should be considered as disqualifying as she goes up against the large slate of other candidates.


Here is an alternative theory…as a candidate she has offered very little to stand out from the gaggle of Dem candidates. It reminds me of the 2016 GOP pretenders without the haranguing by Trump.She has a problem which may or may not be solved by more contributions.


I did not think she was standing up for women when she said she thought Franken should resign. I thought she was trying to ruin his career so she’d have a better chance at a presidential run.

Looks like it didn’t work. Good.


I really like Gillibrand. I think if she got into a general election w/Trump she would stomp him. She’s a hustler and that plays well in Middle America.

My one piece of unsolicited advice to Sen Gillibrand: stop talking about Franken. You need to make people put that in the rear view mirror. When they do, there’s a lot to like about your candidacy.


I agree. I’m still watching and waiting for the Democratic field to crystallize before I throw support behind anyone, but while Warren and Sanders are easy to point to their stances on issues and past work, I had to google Gillibrand to remember if she was the one who was mean to her staff? (No, that was Klobuchar…)

That’s not great brand recognition…


I think she could see the difference. She also saw the opportunity. I have more problems with the opportunism than the bad judgement. If she had charisma and appeal it would be one thing. She may be the least appealing of all the candidates.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long while. Your wife is a dangerous idiot.


And why isn’t she, every day, going after Trumps transgressions that he bragged about with the same vigor as her attack on Franken.

Additionally, she does not, in my opinion, have the personal appeal to be a presidential candidate.



Its an interesting tactic to take…fund raising by claiming victim-hood on the thing you are claiming is hurting your fundraising. Most politicians would drop any mention of the incident if they felt it was hurting their fundraising that badly.

My guess is, however, that its only one of many factors hurting her. For a lot of people I’ve spoken with the Franken incident wasn’t such much a yes/no event…it was a final straw. Gillibrand, rightly or wrongly, has been perceived as a political opportunist for a long time, and showing up at Franken’s event (to announce new legislation regarding women’s rights) uninvited, to proclaim her demand that he resign, was just confirmation on a very big scale.


I’m starting to loathe this candidate almost as much as Tulsi Gabbard.


This is horse race stuff, not germane. It’s important to realize that the money these clowns take in is going to be wasted paying for cringe-worthy TV ads developed by overpaid consultants, who actually get a huge percentage of the ad buys. Wasted effort, really. I predict that none of these “front runners” will ultimately prevail, but not without first doing a lot of damage pushing infeasible policies such as “Medicare for all.” Most working people like their private health insurance. Making them feel insecure is no way to run a railroad. Instead of vying for who’s the most liberal or progressive, tell us how you’d replay Hilary’s debates with Trump. It won’t be any different the next time, but someone better prepared than Hilary’s canned answers could really sway the undecideds. (Hire me as a political consultant. I’m cheap!)

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