Discussion: Gianforte Formally Apologizes To Reporter For His 'Assault'

Notwithstanding anyone’s statements to the contrary, you did not initiate any physical contact with me…

By “anyone’s”, don’t you mean “my and my campaign’s”?

Still deflecting…


The assault took place on May 24, and it took until June 7 for the Representative-elect to do the right thing?
Very nice, GOP.


Blah, blah, blah. Now answer the question about how you stand on Trumpcare now that the CBO has confirmed that 24 million people will be thrown off health insurance rolls. Answering the original question should have been a condition of the waiver.


He apologized and donated money to an organization protecting journalists?

His mentor, The Donald, must be rolling over someone else’s graves.


TBH I think without looking into his heart that he sincerely wanted the legal mess to go away and it took a couple weeks for everyone’s lawyers to work out an agreement. It was certainly worth a billionaire’s 50K—he probably keeps that in his glove box to pay tolls—and an apology on a day when the news folks may have their attention focused elsewhere. Just a guess. :smile:


And just like that, another Republican gets away with a crime.


He probably should have apologized to the folks that voted for him. In order to get those votes he denied everything he admits in his belated apology and claimed it was the reporters fault. He lied to them. And his lies were of the foulest kind. Lying to make someone else take the fall for what you did. You have to be the scum of the earth to do that. He is and now he’s in a position to affect us all.

If he’ll lie to get elected he’ll lie once elected.

I was in Bozeman the day after the assault. Just a day as I was on my way to Yellowstone but the people I spoke with all thought Gianforte was defending himself and incredibly none of them knew how wealthy he was.


That’s nice, Greg. But you’re still a schmuck, with an anger (mis)management problem.

@richardinjax “… but the people I spoke with all thought Gianforte was defending himself and incredibly none of them knew how wealthy he was.” Astonishing.


And yet over 90,000 Montanans who voted against the asshole billionaire Gianforte in November’s gubernatorial election won by Democrat Steve Bullock couldn’t manage to repeat the same gargantuan effort against Gianforte in May. Did these Democratic voters think Gianforte was preferable to Quist? Did they go into hibernation until 2020?

incredibly none of them knew how wealthy he was.

Which is bizarre, considering how Quist was supported on the campaign trail by the famous anti-billionaire Bernie Sanders.


I’m pretty sure this also means the fix is in with respect to the criminal trial, because that’s a clear admission of guilt. No doubt this payment (which is the equivalent of maybe $5 for an ordinary person) will be trotted out as a sign of remose and reform.


Call me a skeptic and a cynic, but I personally think without the audio and witnesses, he would still be howling about how Ben Jacobs punched him in the fist with his nose.


Won’t apologizing anger his base?

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Yep, he knows he can’t avoid at least a misdeamor conviction if he fights it, the evidence is just too overwhelming.

This is strictly a ploy to avoid jail time, or perhaps have the charge dropped altogether.

Your justice system at work. smoke a joint, go to jail. commit assualt and battery, go to Congress.


I think he should do the community “a service”, and quit!

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The day of the assault I was up in the middle of the night with the thought that his attack was actually premeditated and not him just losing control. It was something about his tone of voice in the audio a microsecond before the assault happened, still calm sounding.

If it was not intentional, he went from calm person to out of control without a moment between. Maybe there were other signs of strain other than his voice.

Regardless, disturbing.

Is he the smarter version of T-rumpus?

Wow, is that how our criminal justice system works? Assault someone, wait a while to apologize, walk away to your new cushy government sinecure?

Dear District Attorney,

With regard to my recent robbery of the convenience store, I’m really sorry. I called the store clerk and said I was sorry. I agreed to buy him some new eye glasses and to donate some cash to the SPCA. Thanks for dropping all charges and avoiding an inconvenient trial.

Love and kisses,



Yeah, “bizarre” that Bernie didn’t motivate them! Maybe he’s just a bad campaigner?

Yes people, that was snark. No need to clamp your teeth around my forearm.

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“I hope the constructive resolution of this incident reinforces for all
the importance of respecting the freedom of the press and the first
amendment and encourages more civil and thoughtful discourse in our

Much respect for Ben Jacobs. Gianforte deserves to be sued, blued and tattooed.

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Man…the guy from the Farmers commercials is a dick…bum ba dum dum bum bum bum…

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