Discussion: Geraldo Rivera Goes Off Script With Defense Of Obama's Buzzfeed Video

Discussion for article #233237

ā€¦It was his turn to play nice.

Into each life a little strain must fall.


Itā€™s unbelievable how many on the right are taking umbrage at this. Do they not realize that they are drawing MORE attention to it with their petty tantrums? I bet Obama is laughing at them right now.

Oh and Iā€™m not impressed by Geraldoā€™s ā€œdefenseā€. He was an ass yesterday, heā€™s one today and will be tomorrow. Iā€™ll never get over him suggesting Black men deserve to be killed for wearing a hoodie.
Nice to hear him admit to being a Republican and to subtly acknowledge that there is some partisanship at play with his ā€œā€¦but Iā€™m a fair manā€¦ā€ comment.


ā€œI have no more campaigns to run,ā€ Obama says at one point, which prompted laughs and applause from the Republican lawmakers in the audience. Breaking into a sly smile, Obama then added, ā€œI know because I won both of them.ā€

So now I just troll Republicans!!!


Senior mustache correspondent. I think, while Geraldo was in the womb, his mother was frightened by [now deceased] British comedian Terry Thomas.


Iā€™m glad that someone on Fox News admitted that they are a Republican. Proves that he is not ā€˜fair and balancedā€™.


Thanx, TrumpDogā€¦

As good an encapsulation of dealing with racists, bigots and xenophobes as there ever was.


HOW darE OBummer ENgaGE his constitueNCY! ImpeaCH thIS fraUD!1!!!one!1!!!


It doesnā€™t matter what the angry old white folks on Fox think. Obama is reaching out to the NOT FOX demographic. The same demographic that owns the future.


and every day that ā€œfutureā€ creeps closer to the present.


Obamaā€™s predecessor was probably the most uptight man (and I could talk way too long about dumbness) ever in that office. He complained on a regular basis about ā€œitā€™s hard workā€ to run things, and hereā€™s this happy guy, comfortable in his own skin, who understands the unique experiencing being The Leader of The Free World is, and he runs with it. Does anyone give a shit what these humorless shills think?


They must have a book of criticisms that they run to every time the President does ANYTHING. This time they found:

ā€œHe did X on the same day he did Yā€ and so it was
a) An affront to all Christians,
b) Proof that he is a Muslim.
c) Insensitive.
d). If a-c donā€™t work just pull something out of your ass.


ā€œIā€™m a Republican, but a fair man.ā€

HAHAHAHAHAHA, he had to clarify that!


Extra points for the Terry-Thomas pix.

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Hasselback is the epitome of offensive.


Our President makes me proud every day. He shows grace and class on a daily basis, which is something that CANNOT BE SAID about republicans and their master Fox News


Republicans, always first with the back hand and then some slight approval.
At least they could break it up into a few sentences so as not to sound so irretrievably confused.
Repub gang think;
Heā€™s dead wrong, the President is, right before heā€™s fairly right, weā€™ll ā€˜giveā€™ him that one.
We despise this man and all of his policies but we love the multi-cultural approach and boldness despite the fecklessness, and racial aspect of it all.


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ā€œaccused him of fliming the video on the same day he announced the death of an American hostage in Islamic State custody.ā€

Rightā€¦because he should only do one thing a day and should base the predictable, scheduled portion of his schedule entirely on whatever random unpredictable event conservatives deem most important at any given moment. There shall be no multi-tasking and no work being performed in parallel because conservative brains simply cannot wrap themselves around such madness.


He only claimed to be fair, not balancedā€¦

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If they donā€™t, Obama definitely does.

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